Committee on Ministry Manual Forms
Forms on this page are in Word or Excel format.
Developing and Maintaining Relationships with
Congregations and Pastoral Leaders
- B-2 Sample Communication to Clerk of Session and Pastoral Leader
- B-3 COM Liaison Report Form
- B-5a Prayer Letter to Clerk of Session
- B-5b Prayer Letter to Clerk of Session with special needs
- B-5c Prayer letter to Pastoral Leader
- B-5d Prayer letter to Pastoral Leader experiencing difficulties
- B-5e Prayer letter to non-parish and retired teaching elders
- D-1 Pastoral Call Form
- D-3 Transitional Pastor Agreement
- D-4 Stated Supply Agreement
- D-5 Ecumenical Supply Agreement
- D-6 Commissioned Pastor Agreement
- D-7 Extended Pulpit Supply
- D-8 Student Intern Pastor Agreement
- D-9a MIF part_1
- D-9b MIF part_2
- D-10 Transitional Ministry Church Profile
- D-11 Dissolution Covenant
- D-12 Ruling Elder for Preaching and Pastoral Care Agreement