Financial Resources for Congregations, Ministries, and DayCare Programs
Below is a list of financial resources available to help congregations weather potential financial implications of the pandemic, compiled by the presbytery. this list will be updated as new information comes in.
The first is to encourage your members to continue giving as they are led and able. Click here for a message from Bryce Wiebe at the Presbyterian Mission Agency with some helpful guidance about congregational stewardship during a pandemic.
More and more congregations have set up an option for online giving. Click here for information about two options and how to set them up. If you need further assistance in setting up online giving, please be in touch with Stephanie Worden or Rhonda Seymour in the presbytery office.
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Monroe City Emergency Grants for Congregational Mission
The Presbytery Council is offering emergency grants of $2,000 from the Monroe City Fund for congregations who are providing continuing ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic (such as food pantries). We are waiving the usual requirement for matching funds from the church. Grants can be replenished as funds are available. To learn more and apply, click here.
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Daycare Centers and Pre-Schools
One provision of the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act includes Child Care and Development Block Grants to states for immediate assistance to child care providers to prevent them from going out of business and otherwise support child care for families. The Presbytery Council encourages eligible (registered, properly inspected) day-cares and pre-schools to apply for a grant as soon as possible. You are encouraged to apply for this assistance as soon as possible, as it does not appear to be retroactive. To learn more and apply for a grant, please click here.
The Presbytery Council is offering an interest-free bridge loan of up to two weeks payroll for churches. These loans may be able to be converted to full or partial grants. To learn more and apply, click here.
Feel free to be in touch with Susan McGhee if you wish to discuss how best to provide aid to your congregation's child care program.
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There's quite a bit of conversation about the recent CARES Act, and how it might apply to congregations. A recent summary of the information is available here. Some congregations are applying for monies through the Paycheck Protection Program. As Sessions consider whether to do so, we urge discernment, as these loans/grants are meant to help with all small businesses in our communities; many, such as local coffee shops, bookstores, hair salons, etc., do not have any other source of income during this time. Those who choose to apply for a grant/loan are encouraged to follow the guidelines provided by the Small Business Administration, found here.
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Board of Pensions
Click here for information from the Board of Pensions for help during these times. Keep checking back, as new information may become available. On April 3, the Board announced that it will offer dues relief on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the presbytery/synod, for those churches with congregations no larger than 300 people with a single pastor enrolled in Pastor's Participation that self-identify as having extreme need. Up to three months of Pastor's Participation dues will be waived, with no change to benefits. For more information, please click here. Especially, please note that if you are concerned that you will not be able to pay pension dues for your pastor or covered employees, pease contact the Board of Pensions as soon as possible.
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Smock Deacon Fund Grant
Many of you have already applied for Smock Deacon Fund Grants, which provide up to $5,000 to assist your members (of any age) with help for utilities, medicine, rent, food, etc, For more information and to request a grant, please click here.
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Pastoral Compensation
If your session believes that it may need to reduce pastoral compensation during this time, please be in touch with Susan McGhee as soon as possible. As a party in pastoral relationships, the presbytery has a role in the decision-making process. We may also be able to provide temporary financial help.
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Future Resources, Ideas, and Assistance
The Presbytery Council continues to meet weekly to address ongoing and emerging needs and concerns. It has also appointed a task force (Moderator and Vice-Moderator of Presbytery, President of the Board of Trustees, Treasurer, Stated Clerk, and Executive Presbyter) to consider how we as a presbytery can best respond to the financial implications of the pandemic. We will remain in touch with you. And please be in touch with us! Let us know your thoughts as we move forward. Together.
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