Category Archives: Youth

Young Adult Volunteer Program

Want to put your faith in action?

Want to grow as a leader in Christian service?

Want to see the world while serving God and those in need?

The YAV Program might be just for you…

a year of service for a lifetime of change

The Young Adult Volunteer program is a one year service opportunity for young adults from 19 to 30 years. YAVs live together in Christian community, deepening and developing their faith while serving in communities of need. The YAV program has sites around the United States and around the world, and YAVs serve for one academic year, August – July.

Volunteers are placed in community agencies or local churches, with jobs depending on the needs of partners and the skills of the Young Adult Volunteer. YAVs tackle some of the hardest problems in the world – poverty, violence and reconciliation, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ – while living and reflecting with other volunteers on the meaning and motivation of their Christian faith.

Each YAV experience is different – but all YAVs will participate in a mutual discernment process to be a part of the program, receive national and on-site orientation, work closely with mentors and companions during service, participate in vocational discernment activities, and integrate the whole experience at a end-of-term conference. All YAVs receive health insurance and student loan repayment is available for qualified applicants. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), you and your supporting congregation and presbytery, and some placement agencies share funding of this program. All volunteers are required to raise some of their financial support – this year the requirements for fundraising have been cut in half – to $3,000 for national service and $4,000 for international service. A limited number of scholarships are also available each year.

For more information, see the Presbyterian Mission Agency website.

Young Presbyterians Scholarship

Download the brochure | Download the letter

Dear Friends,

Since 2002, Westminster College has offered a very special scholarship opportunity to PC(USA) young men and women. The scholarship was designed to invite students who are outstanding both in their academic abilities and church involvement to consider Westminster as their college choice.

Every year, the scholarship has increased. Every year, the students who receive the scholarship continue to pursue excellence in faith and academics on our campus. Every year, we pray for more churches to offer this wonderful opportunity to a young person.

Because Young Presbyterian Scholarship students are exactly the kind of student Westminster desires, we are inviting congregations to nominate two (2) students, and not just one. And we have moved our deadlines for nominations to December 1st, with student application deadlines having changed to December 15th, simply due to the fact that pastors do not see some of these students on as regular a basis as a teacher or coach. In addition, the scholarship has been increased to $18,000/year or $74,000 over four years.

We are serious about education, and serious about getting outstanding students to continue pursuing knowledge and faith with us here at Westminster College. We hope that your Presbytery will encourage nominations through your website/informational materials and will keep the enclosed brochures in your resource offerings for pastors, youth pastors, CE directors and members. My contact information is on the brochure, and I would encourage questions.

Many thanks and many blessings,

Carey Anne M. laSor
Assistant to the College Chaplain & Coordinator, Young Presbyterian Scholars Program

Westminster College Box 66 New Wilmington, Pennsylvania 16172-0001
Telephone (724) 946-71 17 Fax (724) 946-6090

Dale PC Working to Build Micah Center

Humbled in the Midst of Justice and Kindness: An Update on the Dale PC Micah Center Project

Dale PC is in the middle of a capital campaign to build the Micah Center. Two years ago, we became aware of the hunger issues in our small town. With $1,000 used to prime the pump, so to speak, we began to weekly provide a hot meal and a take home bag of food to anyone who walked into our church on Thursday evenings. What surprised us was the number of volunteers from other churches and organizations who immediately came to join us. Presently, we feed 50-80 people a week, send home about 20 bags of non-perishable foods with the help of over 70 volunteers. Donations of food and money have kept this program going without any further financial support from our church. The social justice piece was obvious, but we didn’t realize how we ourselves would grow to love our neighbors. God truly humbled us in awe.

Realizing the financial and social needs, God opened the door for us to join Purdue University in providing a program called The Benefit Bank. Six volunteers from our church attended the two day training and we were able to set up the necessary technology in our church to help people apply for federal and state programming all at one time and in one place.

Soon, we became very aware of the children in our neighborhood who were wandering the streets, especially during the summer months, with nothing to do. By partnering with the school, we began a Summer Adventure program which targeted the 150+ children on the free and reduced lunch program (50% of the children attending!) Because of our small building, we were only able to enroll 40 children last year. Volunteers came out of the woodwork and gave us courage to host the program again this year. Before registration even opened, 60 children were requesting to be a part of this summer mentoring program which included food, evangelism, tutoring and programming. Though spatially bursting at the seams, all 60 were accepted. Forty-eight percent of our students were Hispanic/Latino.

This ministry opened our eyes to the language challenges of our neighbors. Once again, God provided us the opportunity to house yet another program: The English as Second Language (ESL) classes from Vincennes University. Our church is now the center for learning English.

As these partnerships developed, more followed and continue to pursue us. The local hospital and the YMCA are partnering with us to bring health services to our impoverished county. Local groups continue to supply our needs financially and with human resources. We keep expanding and yet we have not put the first shovel in the ground for our new Micah Center.

With an eye on stewardship, our session and congregation decided we would not begin to build until we had $460,000 in cash. Our goal was not only unbelievable for our small congregation, but the time frame we have set for ourselves seems impossible. Still, the congregation and friends have pledged $375,000 by May 2012!!! We are also writing grant applications to help us with the other monies we will need.

It all started with prayer. We began praying for our neighbors and have been surprised all along the way. We are surprised that from our small loaves and fish, Christ is providing. We are surprised by the unity of the Holy Spirit who continues to draw volunteers from our community who come along side us to help. We are surprised how God is opening door after door of partnerships. As one elder in our church stated, “Being in the midst of what God is doing at our church is like trying to change a tire while the car is driving down the road!” It’s an exciting time to be a part of the Kingdom of God.

Rev. Martha FrizLanger

The Event Returns on August 18th

The Event 2012 will be held on:

Saturday August 18th beginning at 3pm at Camp Pyoca in Brownstown, Indiana.

This is a unique youth event for southern Indiana.  Sponsored by the Presbytery and Camp Pyoca this is a great opportunity to kick start your ministry year with great fellowship, phenomenal music and more.

Major Highlights

The Great Romance will be preforming at 7pm

Cost = $5 (that’s all… seriously, $5)

Camp Pyoca!  Hang out with friends from around Southern Indiana—play gaga, take out a boat, and in general relish the last few minutes of summer.

Information for Adults

1)      Individual youth or youth groups are welcome to attend!  If you can RSVP that will help us plan activities.

2)      Camp Pyoca is located outside Brownstown, Indiana great instructions are available here

3)      We’ll finish things up between 9:00 and 9:30pm

Information for the Detail Oriented

3:00-5:30 games, meet up with friends, take out boats on the lake

5:30 DINNER!

6:30 Get ready for the Concert!


9:00 closing campfire

9:30 head home!

More Questions?

Feel free to contact:

Tami Gibson (502-931-8918)  or Rachel Pedersen (812-332-1514)

IUkirk for Bloomington Students

Dear Ohio Valley Presbytery Pastors,

United Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Bloomington, IN would like to reach out and welcome any of your members who may be college students, especially the freshmen at IU who may be looking for a church “home away from home.” We would love to be a support system for them here, and connect them with some folks and families who are eager to encourage them in this season of life. Would you pass on our information to them, and if they’re willing, could you provide us with a current email for him/her/them?

There are a number of wonderful activities including weekly gatherings and a mission project being planned for this hope, and ways we hope your church members can continue to grow in God’s community while in Bloomington.

In faith,

Mihee Kim-Kort

Email | Website | Twitter | Facebook

Souper Bowl of Caring

“Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled.” Luke 6:21

Presbyterian youth are leading the way to help feed the hungry

  • Since Presbyterian youth in Columbia, SC started locally the Souper Bowl of Caring in 1989, youth from all over the country have raised over $80 million for food banks, soup kitchens, and food pantries.
  • The Souper Bowl of Caring has become a national movement uniting congregations, schools, community organizations, corporations, and compassionate individuals in the fight against hunger.
  • Last year 2,153 Indiana youth collected $154,373. Indiana Presbyterians were the largest group, with 40 congregations participating.
  • As Indianapolis hosts “the Big Game” on February 5, 2012, we want to make this the largest food mission outreach in our history. One in four children is hungry in Marion County, and one in six children suffers food deprivation across Indiana. As Indiana is in the spotlight, we can use the energy and pride of hosting the game in order to share God’s Love with those in need.

Our goal is to raise $300,000 for Indiana, and with your congregation’s help we can do it! Encourage your church’s youth group to:

1. Register online at to receive free materials.
2. Collect donations between Jan 15 and Feb. 5 (the day of “the Big Game”)
3. Come to the Service Blitz Rally, Sat. Feb 4th at Arsenal Tech High School in Indy, followed by a morning of volunteer work at Westminster Neighborhood Ministries.
4. Report their results on the website to be included in the national total.
5. Donate 100% of the collection to the hunger charity of their choice.

Contact Carolyn Dederer, Indiana Field Director, Souper Bowl of Caring (317) 372-5122,

The Great Romance

The Event 2011

The Great Romance

The EVENT   

 Featuring a concert by “The Great Romance”

Saturday, November 19th


Corydon Presbyterian Church
568 Hwy 62 W
Corydon, IN

Worship, Communion, Games, Food, Friends
– Youth Groups coming from out of town are invited to stay for a lock-in.
– Worship on Sunday morning will feature “The Great Romance”

Dinner and Breakfast will be provided.

Activities will begin at 3pm; Worship at 8pm; Concert at 8:30pm

For more information contact Tami Gibson (812)738-3929 or (502)931-8918