Category Archives: Presbytery

Post Area Gatherings Message

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Susan McGhee and I have just finished our area meetings to interpret some of the recent actions of the General Assembly.  The two items of focus were Amendment 10A and the change in the Form of Government.

Your hospitality and participation was appreciated.

Two items arose that may well help sessions and congregations as they continue to move into the changes.  The first such item is a comparison of the former Form of Government and the current Form of Government.  The link below is a section by section comparison of the two.

The second item for attention is consideration of appropriate questions for Sessions and other groups.  The move into the current Form of Government is going to take some time and the issues are numerous.  Those issues, however, are not unduly complex or difficult.  Again the attached document is a map through the process of incorporation of the changes.

The first part of the handbook is focused on issues for Sessions and congregations.  Some of the rest of the handbook may be of interest, but does not specifically address congregations.

Please feel free to contact me for additional resources or any particular help in incorporation of these changes.


Thanks again,

Lawrence Jackman
Stated Clerk
Presbytery of Ohio Valley

GLAPCE Fall Event

Please join us for the GLAPCE FALL EVENT on October 25-27, 2011, at Geneva Center in Rochester, IN. 

The topic is Faith Re-Formation: Making Our Practices Reformed

We are pleased to have Dr. Donald McKim as the main speaker.

Download the registration form.

ABOUT THIS YEAR’S EVENT:  In our times together, we will explore Reformed accents for educational ministries in the church. Using the rubrics of “head,” “heart,” and “hands,” on which our Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding curriculum is built, we will look at ways in which our Reformed and Presbyterian tradition has emphasized the intellectual, affectional, and active dimensions of Christian faith. Focusing on these emphases guides us in educational ministries by helping us recognize ways those of all ages in the church can experience faith development in full Christian lives.

We will probe the need for and nature of educational ministries from the words of Joshua: “When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ then you shall tell them…” (Joshua 4:6-7) and from Jesus’ description of the great commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30).

Plenaries with Dr. McKim will include: Interpreting the Stones: The Nature of Christian Faith and Life; Loving God with our Hearts and Souls; Loving God with our Minds; Loving God with our Strength.

Schedule:  registration will begin at 3 p.m. on Tuesday.  Opening gathering will be at 4 p.m.  The event concludes on Thursday morning after closing worship at 11 a.m.  Besides the four plenaries with Dr. McKim, there will be workshops aimed at working with children, youth, and/or adults.

Before you arrive:   Dr. McKim recommends looking at one or more of these books,

To Be Reformed: Living the Tradition by Joseph D. Small

More Presbyterian Questions, More Presbyterian Answers by Donald K. McKim

Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers by Donald K. McKim

Presbyterian Beliefs:  A Brief Introduction by Donald K. McKIm

Introducing the Reformed Faith: Biblical Revelation, Christian Tradition, Contemporary Significance by Donald K. McKim

What Happened at Assembly 9/10/11

The Presbytery of Ohio Valley enjoyed the hospitality of Fairlawn Presbyterian Church in Columbus and its pastor, Anne C.S. Marshall.

The standard items of business were conducted in the context of worship with Rev. Gary Scroggins preaching in the morning and Rev. Norrie Erickson as the celebrant of the Sacrament of Communion in the afternoon. Gary’s sermon related observations and experience from his recent trip to the tornado torn town of Joplin Missouri.

A Stewardship Interpretation was presented which focused the entire body on the work and mission of our church. The impact of giving on both the giver and the church’s mission was emphasized. It was pointed out that the contributions and financial commitment of churches is greatly local. Two of every three dollars for mission and per capita are spent on a presbytery level.

The Committee on Preparation for Ministry reported with a recommendation for an Inquirer, Sarah VanderZee to become a Candidate for ordination. Preparation for ministry is a two tier process. During Inquiry the person simply explores and examines the goal and the sense of call. This is done with the CPM and others in their lives. At the point of Candidacy, the decision is made that the sense of call is real and tested. Both the Candidate and the Presbytery formally commit themselves to the goal of ordination.

Regional geographic groupings were discussed and voted upon. The Cluster concept was suggested as something for both continuation and refinement. The proposed refinement is to move to 4 regions instead of 6 clusters. This is for the purpose of more even distribution of human resources in each grouping and also to make the groupings easier to support with staff and other resources. Following small group discussion this matter was approved. Some changes in committee structure were made to implement the change in groupings.

Committee on Ministry brought Aaron Flucke to the Assembly for examination for ordination. Aaron is our very own candidate who will be ordained to the call of the Lexington Church. Aaron’s examination was sustained and he was approved. This means that an ordination will be October 9 at 3:00 pm at Lexington.

A title change for Susan McGhee was proposed by the personnel committee. The term Presbyter for Common Life was replaced. The title now is the Executive Presbyter in keeping with language more common across the denomination.

2012 Budget for the Presbytery was presented by the Trustees and approved. The presbytery approved the recommendation that no change in per capita be included in budget projections.

Area Meetings to Interpret Changes in the Book of Order are being held. The changes in the Ordination Standards and in the Form of Government are the subject matter. Two meetings have already happened. Two more are scheduled: Princeton United on September 27 at 6:30 local time and September 29, Fairlawn in Columbus also at 6:30 p.m

September 2011 Assembly in Columbus

The next Assembly will take place at 10:00am Eastern time on Saturday, September 10th, at the Fairlawn Presbyterian Church in Columbus, IN. Registration will begin at 9:00am (EST).

If the commissioner for your church will be different than the commissioner who attended the June assembly, please inform the POV office, either by phone (866.344.7853) or email.

Reports to be included in the Packet must be submitted via email by noon on Monday, August 29th, to Stephanie Worden.

Come Explore the Recent Changes to the Book of Order

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Blessings to you all as the “hiatus” of summer passes and we move into a new program year for so many congregations.  This summer, as always, finds our congregations quite busy with seasonal concerns and programs.

As the focus moves, however, there are concerns and responses that need attention.  Some of these focus on issues which followed the adoption of the amendments to the constitution of our denomination which formally implemented changes on July 10.

Two items were among the important items which suggest special interest.

  • Amendment 10-A was passed.  There are both implementation concerns and implications for church life that are wrapped in this issue.
  • A new Form of Government was approved. There are significant implementation issues at every level of the church.  Some are pressing and some others may follow less demandingly.

We have arranged four area meetings to explore the implications of  these recent changes to the Book of Order, especially as they affect local congregations. We invite pastors, moderators and clerks of session, session members, and other interested members of congregations in our presbytery. The dates and locations of the gatherings are:

Tuesday, September 13: 6:30-9:00pm (Eastern Time)
Unity Presbyterian Church
1207 Springhill Drive, Terre Haute

Thursday, September 15: 6:30-9:00pm (Eastern Time)
St John Presbyterian Church
1307 E Elm Street, New Albany

Tuesday, September 27:  6:30-9:00pm (Central Time)
United Presbyterian Church
130 E State Street, Princeton

Thursday, September 29: 6:30-9:00pm (Eastern Time)
Fairlawn Presbyterian Church
2611 Fairlawn Drive, Columbus

Each gathering will begin at 6:30 pm local time, and will conclude officially no later than 9:00. We will provide a light meal at each meeting.  While reservations are not required, they will be helpful as we plan for the meal. Please email Rhonda Seymour, with the number of persons attending, as well as the location you plan to attend.

We hope to see you soon!

Grace and peace,
Susan McGhee, Presbyter for Common Life
Lawrence Jackman, Stated Clerk

SC Cluster August Meeting

The South Central Cluster will meet this Wednesday, August 10th at noon, at St. John Presbyterian Church, 13th & Elm in New Albany.

Agenda items include:

  • Exciting news from our Cluster youth
  • Update on Presbytery regional discussion
  • CareWeb grant discussion
  • Sharing of upcoming congregational events

As always, bring your own lunch and an excitement for seeing how we can be a Cluster for our region!

Jane Parker Huber

Jane Parker Huber Hymn Festival

Hanover Presbyterian Church invites you to a celebration of a truly unique voice in American hymnody: a Jane Parker Huber hymn festival, Saturday July 30th, 4:00 PM. Come help us sing fresh, evocative texts set to some of our faith’s most beloved melodies. An ice cream social will follow in the fellowship hall.

If you have a favorite Jane Parker Huber hymn you’d like included, please let us know via email at by July 28th. We look forward to singing with you!

Jane Parker Huber

Jane Parker Huber was born in China but grew up in Hanover where her parents, Albert & Katharine, were the college president and first lady for 29 years.  She married her Hanover born childhood sweetheart, Bill Huber, who was founding pastor at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis where they lived for 33 years before retiring in 1988 to Hanover.

Her hymn writing began in 1975 when planning a United Presbyterian Women’s gathering at Purdue.  She wrote about 200 hymns, for special celebrations & conferences, to update with more inclusive language, and to fill in gaps in the hymnody about Pentecost and baptism or provide more emphasis on God’s beautiful creation, the equality of God’s people, and our peacemaking mission as Christians.

Photo by Danny Bolin, Presbyterian News Service