Category Archives: Continuing Education

Scholarship Opportunity

The Office of Financial Aid for Studies has a scholarship opportunity available to students attending any one of the following universities:

Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Indiana University – Bloomington
University of Iowa – Iowa City
Ohio State University
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Michigan State University
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Northwestern University
Purdue University
Washburn University

The student must:

  • Be an active member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
  • Be a graduate or undergraduate student majoring in natural and physical sciences, medicine, agriculture, business, or law
  • Maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale

Download the application here.

If you have any questions, please contact

Laura A. Bryan, Associate
Financial Aid for Studies
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Toll free: 888-728-7228 ext 5735 or

Learning Opportunities from Synod

Lay Pastors to Study Christmas Season Preaching for Year A

The Synod of Lincoln Trails will offer another in its popular series of preaching workshops on Oct. 20 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Champaign, Ill.

The workshop, led by the Rev. Dr. Laura Reason, will meet from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The $25 registration fee will cover all workshop materials and lunch. Deadline to register is Oct. 8.

Click here to register for the Oct. 30 preaching workshop.
Registration fee may be paid at the door and must be paid once you register, whether you attend or not. Registrations received after the deadline will not guarantee materials or a meal upon arrival.


Learning Opportunity for Interim Pastors and Executives

The Synod of Lincoln Trails and the Synod of Mid-America (MALT) have joined together to offer specialized training for pastors and others who are interested in serving as interim pastors and middle governing body executives.

The next interim pastor training session will take place Nov. 1-5 in Saint Louis. Basic training consists of 60 contact hours plus a practicum. The contact hours are divided into two 30-hour residency weeks separated by the practicum. Both the first and the second residency weeks are available during the Nov. 1-5 session. Visit the Lincoln Trails website for more information: Deadline to register for this fall’s session is Oct. 4.

Those who have completed interim pastor training may wish to continue their training with MALT’s interim executive training. The next interim executive training session is Nov. 5-9. Visit the Lincoln Trails website for more information: Deadline to register for this fall’s session is Oct. 8.


“Music & Worship” Conference for Lay Pastors will Feature John Bell

October 4-7, Montreat Conference Center, North Carolina

This conference brings together leaders and resources needed by commissioned lay pastors and preachers to nurture their ministry of preaching, pastoral care, and congregational leadership. More about the conference/register online.

The Synod of Lincoln Trails is offering $200 scholarships to attend this conference. Download a scholarship application.


Lilly Endowment 2011 Clergy Renewal Program for Indiana Congregations Information Meeting

Thursday, Nov. 4, 1 to 4 p.m., North United Methodist Church (3808 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis)

In 2011, Lilly Endowment’s Clergy Renewal Program for Indiana Congregations will again provide as many as 40 grants of up to $50,000 to congregations in the state of Indiana for the support of renewal programs for their pastors.

Pastors, spouses and lay leaders from congregations located in the state of Indiana who are interested in applying for a grant next year are invited to attend an information meeting regarding this opportunity.

Register no later than Tuesday, November 2, at or by calling (317) 916-7350. Include:

  1. the name of your congregation as well as its street address, city, ZIP code and telephone number; and
  2. the names of those who will attend (meeting organizers can accommodate up to three persons per congregation).

Detailed information about the Clergy Renewal Program for Indiana Congregations, including the application material, is available on the Lilly Endowment website:  It is recommended that meeting participants download and read the 2011 application brochure and bring a copy to the meeting.


Music and Worship Conference for CLPs and Preachers
Oct. 4-7  Montreat, N.C.

Web Ministry and Social Media Training Special discount for Presbyterians
Oct. 8-9 Evanston, Ill.

POAMN Conference Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network
Oct. 12-16 Orlando

Presbyterian Communicators Regional Conferences
Grants available for SOLT communicators
Oct. 18-20  Slippery Rock, Penn.
Oct. 25-27  Lake Tahoe, Nev.

Emergent Christianity and Tentmaking Ministry Nov. 12-14  Mundelein, Ill.

Columbia Theological Seminary Fall 2010

Click on the links to learn more about these programs.

Sept. 30 due date for S3 (Sabbath, Study and Service) Program  applications – Project applications for the 2010-11 cohort will be accepted through September 30, 2010. The application procedure requires a group proposal and individual member applications. Selected participants will be notified by October 15, 2010.

Oct. 1 Social Ethics Seminar Gary Dorrien, author of Social Ethics in the Making, is the featured speaker at a seminar and workshop on Friday, October 1, noon to 5:00 p.m. at Columbia Theological Seminary. There is no cost for the event. Box lunches are available for $7.50. Advance registration for all participants is required by September 18. Click here to register. If you have questions about registration, contact Angela Wyatt / 404-687-4587.If you have questions about the program, contact Linda Morningstar / 404-687-4636 or Mark Douglas / 404-687-4650.

Oct. 22-24 Liturgy of the Hours – An Old Practice for the New Church NEW Elective Course in the Certificate in Spiritual Formation at Montreat, Conference Center will be offered for the first time – we anticipate time of music, prayer and reflection amidst the autumnal beauty of the mountains. Occasional students welcome! Course registration info hereHousing (Montreat) info click here.

Oct. 22-24 Discerning Your Call to Youth Ministry – The Youth Ministry Leadership Initiative (YMLI) Certificate Program This weekend provides leaders of youth – volunteer and staff alike – opportunities to ask important questions about their particular call to youth ministry and youth ministry as a whole. This series is a great opportunity for those in youth ministry – volunteer and staff – to engage in practical, challenging learning and network with other colleagues who are passionate about youth ministry. To view the entire schedule for the coming year, click here.

Oct. 29-30 -Preaching Advent is designed with preachers and teachers in mind – those who face preaching Advent – AGAIN. Columbia New Testament professor David Bartlett and writer Barbara Brown Taylor will draw on their work as editors of the popular lectionary resource series Feasting on the Word. Joseph L. Roberts, professor of preaching and director of the Center for Preaching, rounds out the leadership for the event.

October 25-26 Matthew:  Advent and Beyond Stan Saunders, professor of New Testament, will lead this event for members of the St. Andrew Presbytery and others interested in digging into the Gospel and some Epistle texts for the coming liturgical seasons .For additional information or to register, contact Anne Kelly at 662 234 2254 x 115 or  Registration fee: $100 for participants outside St. Andrew Presbytery.
For additional information about these or other courses, please contact the Lifelong Learning Registrar at 404.687.4587 or  Visit us on the web at

The Center for Lifelong Learning, Columbia Theological Seminary

P.O. Box 520/701 S. Columbia Drive

Decatur, GA  30031

Center for Congregations Presents Events Statewide

Center for Congregations Presents Events Statewide
Essentials of Church Finance
Vonna Laue
Wednesday, September 22, 2010, Carmel
Thursday, September 23, 2010, St. John

Vonna Laue, co-author of Essential Guide to Church Finances and partner with the accounting firm Capin Crouse, leads congregational leaders through workshops covering topics of church accounting practices, planning and budgeting, internal controls and risk management, and financial reporting. Although this workshop is Part 2, having attended Part 1 is not a pre-requisite. All congregations are welcome to attend the event in Carmel in Hamilton County or St. John in Lake County. Click here for additional information and on-line registration.


Welcoming and Nurturing: Retention and Assimilation of Newcomers
A Luncheon Series in Seymour
Thursdays, September 30 and October 21, 2010

This southeast Indiana luncheon series presents various perspectives on the topic of newcomer welcome, retention and assimilation. Janet Brown, welcome and assimilation coordinator at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Carmel, talks with participants on September 30 about The Art and Science of Assimilating New Members; and on October 21, author and pastor Bob Russell explores Growing Your Church. Click here to learn more and to register on-line.


Developing Congregational Generosity: A Northeast Learning Opportunity
William Enright
December 2010-September 2011, Fort Wayne

Developing Congregational Generosity is a four-session learning program for northeast Indiana congregations to improve their capacity to talk about money in faithful ways, to understand the religious and spiritual motivations of givers, and to invite generosity from their members. Applications are due October 1, 2010 for this program. Space is limited. Congregational teams meet four times as a group and once via conference call from December 2010 to September 2011. The program is led by the Rev. Dr. William Enright, Director of the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving at the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy. Click here for additional information and to download the application.


Exploring the Longevity Revolution: Ministry with Older Adults
Richard Gentzler
Thursday, October 21, 2010, Fort Wayne
Friday, October 22, 2010, Indianapolis

We are fast becoming an aging society. This workshop focuses on ministries with older adults and how congregations can develop comprehensive programs to include these aging congregants. Richard Gentzler, director of the Center on Aging and Older Adult Ministries, is the presenter. Click here for details and on-line registration.


Externally Focused Quest
Eric Swanson
Wednesday, October 27, 2010, Evansville
Thursday, October 28, 2010, Seymour

More and more congregations are finding fulfillment and growth through a focus on serving their communities.  In this workshop, Eric Swanson builds on the work begun in his popular book, The Externally Focused Church, to highlight what congregations are doing to place themselves in their communities as agents of transformation. For details and on-line registration, click this link.


Sustainable Youth Ministry: A Southwest Learning Opportunity
Mark DeVries & Stephanie Caro
January-November 2011, Evansville

Applications are being accepted now for this four-session learning program for southwest Indiana congregational teams to grow significantly in their capacity for ongoing youth ministry. Participating congregations will learn and implement systems and structures needed to lay a strong foundation for ongoing youth ministry. Mark DeVries and Stephanie Caro from Youth Ministry Architects will facilitate the workshop and coach participating congregations. Space is limited. Applications are required and due November 1. For additional information and downloadable application, click here.

Events are limited to Indiana congregations.

CENTER FOR CONGREGATIONS Toll free: 866-307-2381
Funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. * Affiliated with the Alban Institute

The Transforming Power of Mission

The Transforming Power of Mission, an inspirational and practical workshop for congregations in the Presbytery of Ohio Valley will be presented at 2 (identical) workshops:

Saturday, October 9: First Presbyterian Church, Columbus

Saturday, October 23: Indiana Presbyterian Church, Vincennes

10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST  (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Central Time)

Registration & Refreshments at 9:15 a.m. (8:15 Central)

Lunch will be provided at no cost.
At this workshop, you will:

  • Hear from the Rev. Joan Stewart, Executive Director of WV Ministry of Advocacy and Workcamps, as she tells the “God story” of how a tiny congregation in a declining community moved from a survival mentality to a mission mentality, and as she shares insights and practical ideas for how other congregations can do the same.
  • Explore with one another and with Joan how to apply these insights and ideas to our local settings.
  • Worship and fellowship with sisters and brothers in our presbytery.

Did we mention that all of this is free?  Yes – free!!!

But, we do need to know how many are coming!

So….. to reserve your spot, please register no later than the Tuesday before the session you wish to attend.

We encourage churches to send more than one person – many people, even!

Please email the presbytery office at with the following information:

Your name(s), congregation, the workshop you will be attending (Oct 9 or Oct 23), and special meal needs, and your contact info.

This event is sponsored by the Leadership Institute and the Congregational Transformation Team.