
Clearing The Way

Come, Holy Spirit – Renew the Whole Creation.’ That prayer is the theme chosen for the seventh assembly of the World Council of Churches which will be held in Canberra, Australia, in February 1991. But to pray for the coming of the Spirit we must spiritually prepare ourselves. As individuals, communities and churches. Such preparation […]

Discover Your Spiritual Type

From Urban T. Holmes’s spiritual typology and her own experience as a spiritual director and pastoral counselor, Ware provides a framework for people to name and understand their spiritual experience-in much the same way the Myers-Briggs typology provides a framework for understanding personality types. Readers explore four spiritual types–head, heart, mystic, and Kingdom–and exercises allow […]

Reaching A New Generation

Our world has changed dramatically in the past quarter century. People are losing faith in technology. Our society has lost consensus and is dividing into competing tribes. There are “new realities” and new values. We are passing into an unprecedented situation with few familiar landmarks to guide us. In Reaching a New Generation, a working pastor […]


In today’s world, with its relentless emphasis on success and productivity, we have lost the necessary rhythm of life, the balance between work and rest. Constantly striving, we feel exhausted and deprived in the midst of great abundance. We long for time with friends and family, we long for a moment to ourselves. Millennia ago, […]

Spirituality And Liberation

In Spirituality and Liberation Robert McAfee Brown foremost theologian and author of Saying Yes and Saying No and Unexpected News, confronts a dilemma that has plagued Christians for centuries: the separation between the spiritual and the temporal, between prayer and social involvement. After a searching examination of the two spheres, he outlines a new vision […]

The Active Life

The Active Life is Parker J. Palmer’s deep and graceful exploration of a spirituality for the busy, sometimes frenetic lives many of us lead. Telling evocative stories from a variety of religious traditions, including Taoist, Jewish, and Christian, Palmer shows that the spiritual life does not mean abandoning the world but engaging it more deeply […]