Subject: Presbyterian Church – Doctrines

  • Aging Well

    Aging Well

    From the Introduction: There are countless books and a number of manuals dealing with the major issues of aging and retirement. Many of them are very good and can be helpful. This monograph is not intended to replace them. Rather, it is intended to be an addendum to the universal issues that are wither particularly…

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  • Between Millennia

    Between Millennia

    A paper about Presbyterian beliefs about the coming of Christ.

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  • A Brief Statement of Faith

    A Brief Statement of Faith

    In 1983 the two largest Presbyterian churches in the United States reunited. The “Plan for Reunion” called for the preparation of a brief statement of the Reformed faith for possible inclusion in The Book of Confessions. This statement is therefore not intended to stand alone, apart from the other confessions of our church. It does not…

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  • Introductory Guide To A Brief Statement of Faith

    Introductory Guide To A Brief Statement of Faith

    A guide written for the understanding of “A Brief Statement of Faith,” which was approved by the 202nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in 1990.

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  • The Church And Its Unity

    The Church And Its Unity

    In “True Confession: A Presbyterian Dissenter Thinks about the Church,” Barbara Wheeler speaks honestly about issues that divide the church, yet calls for the maintenance of God-given unity. Mark Achtemeier acknowledges that frustration with continuous controversy sometimes leads to the desire for separation, yet he sets forth “Seven Theses on the Unity of the Church.”…

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  • Catalog Of Theological Statements Of The Presbyterian Church General Assemblies 1935-1996

    Catalog Of Theological Statements Of The Presbyterian Church General Assemblies 1935-1996

    This resource indexes 172 statements by topic and year, providing abstracts of 119 of them, an index of key words, and a chronological listing of titles. The catalog is helpful for locating the church’s theological position on a wide variety of topics. Available through PDS.

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  • A Commentary On The Confession Of 1967 And An Introduction To The Book Of Confessions

    A Commentary On The Confession Of 1967 And An Introduction To The Book Of Confessions

    Professor Dowey says, “Creeds and confessions generally need commentary. They are by nature highly compressed and carefully shaded in meaning. They are usually the work of more than one person and are intended for various levels of use. They arise out of diverse backgrounds and are carried into new situations unforeseen by their authors, acquiring…

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  • Reconciling The Broken Silence

    Reconciling The Broken Silence

    Except from the Introduction: Reconciling the Broken Silence … is an invitation for congregations to engage in dialogue with gay, lesbian, and bisexual Presbyterians. This resource has been prepared for those congregations in the PC(USA) who seek to engage in honest and open dialogue with gay men and lesbians at a table that does not condemn…

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  • Selected Theological Statements Of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assemblies (1956-1998)

    Selected Theological Statements Of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assemblies (1956-1998)

    General Assembly statements issued by the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. and its predecessor denominations guide the church in its life and ministry. Selected Theological Statements includes 32 significant texts that span a time frame from 1956 and “The Position of Women in the Church” through 1998 and “Just Peacemaking.” Available through PDS.

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  • History And Theology In The Book Of Order

    History And Theology In The Book Of Order

    The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a dynamic document that reflects the historic and ongoing struggles of a people trying to faithfully live out the gospel message. In this book, William Chapman takes a fresh look at the history and theology that under-gird the Book of Order, using the “Historic Principles of Church Order” as the…

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  • Witness Without Parallel

    Witness Without Parallel

    Respected pastor Earl S. Johnson, Jr., explores eight biblical texts that have been instrumental in forming the basis of Presbyterian belief and mission. Using Reformed and Presbyterian principles of biblical interpretation and the standards of modern biblical criticism, he examines Presbyterian theological statements and their influence on the development of the church’s positions on social…

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  • Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers

    Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers

    Presbyterians often have questions about Presbyterian theology and beliefs that are basic to Christian faith itself. Featuring a unique question-and-answer format, Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers is an accessible and concise treatment that provides a sampling of these questions on important topics that frequesntly arise from discussions and brief but complete answers from a distinguished Presbyterian…

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