Subject: Ordination – Presbyterian Church
reFORM Vol. 1 No. 1
PFR reForm is a publication of Presbyterians For Renewal, dedicated to the glory of God for the renewal of theology as a life-giving descipline of the elders, deacons, and ministers of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Ordination And Authority
As Presbyterians we find ourselves in a place of enduring contention as to who should be ordained without a clear conception of why we should be ordaining anyone. And if we are unsure of the nature of ordained ministry, we certainly will be unclear as to how the ordained exercise authority. Because we live in…
Ordination: Past, Present, Future
The essays in this book… are a collection of critical, thoughtful pieces on the meaning of ministry for Presbyterian and Reformed Christians. The purpose of this book is to encourage conversation throughout the church on the question of ordination to office.