Subject: Homosexuality – Religious aspects
What We Wish We Had Known
History and Dedication This manual is a gift to the congregation of The Presbyterian Church, Mt. Kisco, New York, in recognition of the love and support that our church members have given to individuals and families whose lives have been touched by the issue of homosexuality. Most of us grew up with very limited factual…
Turning Points
Designed to enourage discussion about the difficult and divisive issue of homosexuality in the church, Turning Points portrays four stories set in ordinary Presbyterian congregations.
How I Changed My Mind About Homosexuality
“I appreciate the opportunity to address you this morning. I am going to speak about my change of mind on the question of homosexuality, what I have learned theologically in that process, and some implications for us as a church.” And thus Dr. Rogers begins his simple, yet startling presentation to the 2003 Northwest Regional…