
New Day New Church

The world has changed. No longer can the church bury its head in the sand, pretending that the ‘old ways’ can read a contemporary generation that does not understand the language of faith. In these pages, scholar and renewalist Ben Johnson examines the issues facing today’s church, proposes a new model for a New Day, […]

Redeveloping The Congregation

What makes it possible for a church to reverse course from decline or stagnation into long-lasting vitality? How can a church immigrate from a congealing present into a compelling future? What can a congregation do to experience continuous, deep change rather than just temporary, surface improvement? How does a person lead redevelopment? The three authors […]

Road Runner

‘Why should we change?’ This book is written for the vast majority of congregations who are cautious, tentative, and ambivalent to change and creative initiatives for mission. The vast majority will find a calm, reasonable explanation of why their stability is more shaky than ever, and their seeming congregational health hides a growing self-destructive addiction. […]

Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Spiritual Entrepreneurs tells the story of an innovative pastor and leadership team who intentionally led their church to take spiritual risks. By using six principles, renewal can come to any church, asserts Michael Slaughter… …Slaughter believes that church leaders are inspired to work tirelessly when they hear or learn of good-news stories. He also believes […]

Survival Or Revival

Will churches merely survive in the next century? Or will they come alive? How can they work for congregational vitality and vision? Carnegie Samuel Calian challenges churches and their members to become committed to their own success and to take owenership of their future.

The Best of Times and the Worst of Times for Religion, Especially Christian Faith

From the Publisher’s Note: […] John Leith has long been one of this church’s most significant theological voices. He is a learned thinker sho has also served as a pastor and who has devoted himself throughout his career to building up the church through the training of clergy and through his penetrating theological reflections. […]

The Congregation: Sign Of Hope

This book affirms congregational life as the unique place where persons encounter Christ. It looks at the unique mission of the congregation and outlines a process by which every congregation can move beyond mere maintenance of the current situation and into true mission. The book blends theory, theology, and practical experience in a readable ‘story’ […]

The Disciple Making Church

In a recent study, pollster George Barna stated that the number one topic of interest for church leaders today is discipleship. Not growth, not pastoral care, not evangelism. Discipleship. According to E. Stanley Ott, President of The Vital Churches Institute, There is no person more qualified to address the greatest need in the church today […]

The Learning Congregation

Thomas Hawkins proposes a fresh and highly practical model for congregational leadership, providing practical strategies for understanding the relationship between leadership, learning, and ministry. The Learning Congregation is must reading for all pastors, church leaders, and church members.

The Once And Future Church

Mead takes a broad look at past and present changes in the church, and postulates a future to which those changes are calling us. Denominations, once structured to deliver resources to far-off lands of foreign mission, now encounter the mission field in the layperson’s workplace and the community surrounding the local congregation. Thus, the church […]