Subject: Baby boom generation
Worship For People of the Heart
This workbook is for churches wanting to reach people born after 1960.
The Spectacle Of Worship In A Wired World
Examining the three central elements of electronic culture – images, sound as beat, and visualization – Sample demonstrates that for those steeped in this culture, meaning arises from the convergence of these elements rather than from any one of them individually. He goes on to discuss how these are already present in Christian worship and…
A Generation Of Seekers
Baby Boomers comprise over one third of the population, and however elusive it may be, there is something called a “boomer culture” – including a search far spiritual style. In this monumental study, premier sociologist Wade Clark Roof uses the life stories of prototypical boomers to reveal the soul of a generation that now embodies…
Make Room For The Boom…Or Bust
Church Growth specialist Gary L. McIntosh explores six different church models designed to reach yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s generations for Christ.