
The Crucified One Is Lord

How shall Christians confess their faith in the midst of people whose beliefs are different? What is the shape of the faith that Christians confess? What should be the church’s stance toward other faith traditions? The Office of Theology and Worship wishes to contribute to the church’s consideration of the issue by making available to […]

The French Confession of 1559

From the Preface: At the present time, when the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) must learn to live with the reality of its ‘cultural disestablishment,’ the French Confession is a helpful conversation partner. It is more than a mere historical curiosity, for although the French Confession is a product of 16th century Europe, it is neither out […]

The Nicene Creed

From the Preface: The 210th General Assembly (1998) voted to make background material on Nicene Creed translation issues available to presbyteries. This brief publication includes all of the material that was available to the Assembly itself as it voted to recommend the The Book of Confessions be amended by striking the present English translation and […]

The Power to Change

This policy, approved by the 218th General Assembly (2008), is the first major update of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s energy policy in more than 27 years. This General Assembly policy offers moral guidance and provides practical steps individual Presbyterians, groups and communities may take to change unhealthy energy practices to ensure that there is an […]

The Shape Of Pastoral Ministry

Occasional Paper #13 reprints two significant essays that are no longer readily available. “The Maceration of the Minister” by the late Lutheran theologian Joseph Sittler is an incisive, sympathetic analysis of the plight of ministers. “The Teaching Authority of the Minister in the Reformed Tradition: A Contemporary Proposal” by Richard R. Osmer, the Thomas W. […]

To Strengthen Christ’s Body

Conflict is a part of life even within the church. Conflict is not, in and of itself, either good or harmful. Conflicts contain the potential for both, depending on how they are handled. This resource identifies and explores basic concepts and tools that can help address the conflict and disagreements that are a part of […]

Understanding Effective Salary

Effective Salary is an important part of the Benefits Plan for employing organizations who pay dues and members who receive benefits. This booklet describes the various types of compensation or reimbursements most frequently paid by churches and other employing organizations and identifies those types that must be included in Effective Salary for Benefits Plan purposes.