
Pastoral Performance Profile

The Pastoral Performance Profile (Second Edition) is a criteria-referenced self-evaluation instrument for pastors and has been derived from the Pastoral Activities Index. It consists of 28 scales, each with five statements that describe the different ways in which pastors carry out some of their more important activities. The instrument is normally to be used by […]

Presbyterian Leadership

From the Introduction: […] Out of our experience we want to share some deeply held convictions about the gifts that our Presbyterian tradition has to offer to the renewal of leadership in our church. We believe that we need a leadership revolution at every level in our church, and that the resources for that renewal, while they can well […]

Presbyterian Social Witness Policy Compilation

Contains Presbyterian policies 1946-1999 Compiled by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy. Excerpt from the Introductory Letter: “The Presbyterian Social Witness Policy Compilation is a compendium of social witness adopted by the General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its predecessor denominations. The Social Policy Compilation presents each policy statement, resolution, or commissioner’s resolution […]

Rebuilding The Presbyterian Establishment

Have we structured our life together in a way that serves our best aspirations? Do the current institutional arrangements of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) help us flourish? Of the many things we carry with us from previous generations of Presbyterians, do they all continue to work well – or is it time for some of […]

Reconciling The Broken Silence

Except from the Introduction: Reconciling the Broken Silence … is an invitation for congregations to engage in dialogue with gay, lesbian, and bisexual Presbyterians. This resource has been prepared for those congregations in the PC(USA) who seek to engage in honest and open dialogue with gay men and lesbians at a table that does not condemn […]

Report on Clergy Recruitment and Retention

In the spring of 2003, the Board of Directors of the Board of Pensions commissioned a Task Force of its Clergy-Directors to review literature, statistical studies, and other materials with respect to the recruitment and retention of clergy for the pastoral ministry, specifically ministry in and with the local congregation… We, along with other General Assembly agencies, are dedicated to helping build […]