Publication Date: 2008

  • A Sacred Trust

    A Sacred Trust

    Four Part Program and Facilitator’s Guide A Sacred Trust is a four part DVD training curriculum available as a part of the Teaching Healthy Boundaries 101 & 201 Training Kit. The goals of this fundamental boundaries program are to: Increase awareness of the need for healthy boundaries in the clergy-congregant or teacher-student relationship Provide clergy, lay leaders and…

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  • International Health Ministries

    International Health Ministries

    Presbyterians have been at the forefront of health missions around the world for more than 100 years. This 10-minute program illustrates how International Health and Development carries on that tradition today, engaging U.S. Presbyterians in health-related missions and supporting the health and community development initiatives of PC(USA)’s global church partners.

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  • Toward a New Social Awakening

    Toward a New Social Awakening

    This 28-minute DVD is a professionally produced documentary introducing both the 1908 and 2008 Social Creeds and the church’s prophetic concerns in the century in between. Presbyterian and ecumenical leaders speak to why and how the church has used it voice and built structures for economic, racial, women’s and environmental justice. A final section looks…

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  • Black Presbyterians

    Black Presbyterians

    The Office of African American Congregational Support of the General Assembly Council has captured the history of several African-American Presbyterians who were active in the Civil Rights Movement in this first of several DVDs entitled “Black Presbyterians: The Legacy Series.” This DVD on the Civil Rights movement is a resource that details the history of…

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  • From Homelessness to Hope

    From Homelessness to Hope

    This report reaffirms the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s historical witness that universal access to safe, descent, accessible, affordable, and permanent housing is a measure and a sign of the coming Reign of God. Through its approval of this report, the 218th General Assembly (2008) also acknowledged that the church must not be expected to address this…

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  • The Power to Change

    The Power to Change

    This policy, approved by the 218th General Assembly (2008), is the first major update of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s energy policy in more than 27 years. This General Assembly policy offers moral guidance and provides practical steps individual Presbyterians, groups and communities may take to change unhealthy energy practices to ensure that there is an…

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  • When Will We Hear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Call To End Poverty In America?

    When Will We Hear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Call To End Poverty In America?

    National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths Manual Vol. 17 A multi-faith resource for year-round child advocacy. What is the Children’s Sabbath? Sponsored by the Children’s Defense Fund, the annual, multi-faith National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths weekend is an occasion to celebrate children as sacred gifts of the Divine and to recognize and respond to the urgent…

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  • 2008 Children’s Mission Yearbook For Prayer & Study

    2008 Children’s Mission Yearbook For Prayer & Study

    Weekly information, activities, scripture, and prayer focusing on the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in the United States and around the world.

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  • The Journal Of Presbyterian History Vol. 86 No. 1

    The Journal Of Presbyterian History Vol. 86 No. 1

    The Journal of Presbyterian History is published twice a year by the Presbyterian Historical Society, the official historical agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Founded in 1852, the Presbyterian Historical Society is the national archives and historical research center of the church and the collective memory of the American Presbyterian tradition.

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  • Lift Every Voice

    Lift Every Voice

    This report recommends ways to strengthen democratic — small d — promise and practice in the political life of the United States based on principles of Reformed Christianity. Presbyterian political scientists, ethicists and others studied why so many Americans do not vote, despite the 2007 renewal of Voting Rights Act protections against racial discrimination. Remedies…

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  • Comfort My People

    Comfort My People

    This policy approved by the 218th General Assembly (2008) offers practical Guidance to individuals and groups about how to welcome and address the needs of persons affected by mental illness. Guided by Jesus’ words and actions, the person and family living with serious mental illnesses are invited together into new ways of participating in God’s…

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  • Guidelines for Communal Discernment

    Guidelines for Communal Discernment

    Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit that orients persons to be attentive to the presence of God in our midst. In discernment, persons sift through the many spirits that vie for our attention to hear the One True Spirit. discernment may be described as a means to: recognize and acknowledge what God is…

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