
Through The Eyes Of Women

Divided into three parts, Through the Eyes of Women underscores how gender and public policy issues need to be emphasized, explores several specific issues of women–especially issues of the body–in a way that is counter to the prevailing and the unhelpful dichotomy between mind and body, and concentrates on women as the care providers–the training […]

Vital Signs

Vital Signs summarizes the research on American mainstream Protestantism in the twentieth century and assesses the significance of that research for these denominations as they confront the twenty-first century. Written primarily for church members and pastors or priests, this book will be a valuable resource for congregations and denominations, helping them to understand the trends […]

We Are The Church Together

Is there anything distinctive about what it means to be ‘church’ in a culturally diverse congregation? Does the cultural diversity of a congregation affect the way it seeks to form and renew itself as a community of faith? On-the-scene research in three culturally diverse congregations in a large southern city answers these questions in ways […]

Westminster Dictionary Of Theological Terms

This comprehensive volume includes nearly 6,000 theological terms. Its brief and concise definitions capture a broad range of theological and related disciplines: biblical studies, church history, ethics, feminist theology, liberation theology, ministry, philosophy, social sciences, spirituality, worship, Protestant, Reformed, and Roman Catholic theologies, and more.