Living The Christian Life

A Guide to Reformed Spirituality


Real-life situations in today’s world constantly challenge people, and the authors respond to these challenges by drawing upon the Reformed tradition to provide guidance for spiritual development. Includes practical suggestions, lesson plans and exercises, and recommendations for encouraging spiritual growth.

Review from The Library Journal:
This book provides an excellent introduction to Christian spirituality from a Calvinist perspective. It stresses God’s sovereign love and the theology of the cross, various means of grace (worship, prayer, response to scripture, and the sacraments), the challenges of Christian life (self-denial, cross-bearing, and meditation on the future of life), as well as its responsibilities (love for neighbor, reconciliation in the world, and reformation of the congregation). The authors seek to revitalize congregations, recall the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to its roots, and deepen life with God. Reflective questions, lesson plans, resource lists, and guidelines for spiritual exercises supplement the text and make it a fine study book for adults. This is recommended especially for Christian seminary libraries.