Healthy Boundaries 101 & 201 is a two-part training program with two DVDs, a teacher’s guide and two participant workbooks for levels 101 – Fundamentals and 201 – Beyond Basics. The goals of the program are to:
- Increase awareness of the need for healthy boundaries in the clergy-congregant or teacher-student relationship
- Provide clergy, lay leaders and teachers with guidelines for appropriate boundaries and self-care
- Illustrate strategies to sustain a safe, healthy church
- Define boundaries and why they are important
The training topics address:
- Theology and the Nature of Boundaries
- Power and Vulnerability
- Dating, Friendships, Dual Relationships, Gifts
- The Pulpit, Transference, Hugging and Touch, Intimacy
- Emerging Issues in Maintaining Healthy Boundaries
- Living with Healthy Boundaries (modules include currrent issues and topics such as internet technology, social media, pornography, finance, sexual attraction)
- Personal Needs and Self-Care, Red Flags, Final Reflections
The accompanying teacher’s guide includes background information, discussion questions, and interactive exercises in two sections that coincide with participant course workbooks.