The French Confession of 1559

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From the Preface:

At the present time, when the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) must learn to live with the reality of its ‘cultural disestablishment,’ the French Confession is a helpful conversation partner. It is more than a mere historical curiosity, for although the French Confession is a product of 16th century Europe, it is neither out of date nor ‘eurocentrist.’ It was the confession of faith “fashioned in common accord by the churches dispersed in France.” These Reformed churches were not politically powerful or culturally secure; they were a tiny minority living in the shadow of threatened or real persecution. Their expressions of faith’s foundation, of the church’s needed order and unity, and of renewed worship, are not the abstract reflections of a comfortable community. They are confessions of the faith that is needed by the church in any time and place if it is to endure in a hostile environment.

Includes a guide for youth and adult study of the Confession.