
Christian Chaos

Thomas Bandy continues his exploration of congregational life by arguing that the organization of a congregation – its boards and committees – constitutes a crucial ingredient in its vitality and mission. The way in which a church is organized will make all the difference in whether it becomes what Bandy has named elsewhere a thriving […]

Christians And Muslims Together

Events in the Middle East alone make it imperative that those in the West learn more about the Muslim world, but in addition many Christians in the United States have Muslim neighbors and business associates whom they need to get to know better. As this helpful book comments, ‘Instead of giving in to prejudice, which […]

Church Conflict

We often describe the church as a ‘family,’ even ‘the family of God,’ In fact, the church is like a family – and it fights like one, too! As in any family, conflict in the church family is natural and inevitable. But the way the church family handles its fights can make or break ministry. […]

Church Guide To Copyright Law

No law is more frequently violated by church staff members than copyright law. This practical reference book provides a comprehensive overview of how copyright law specifically applies to the local church. The book provides quick access and answers to almost any question concerning copyright law and the church.

Church Marketing 101

Over 90 percent of all Christian churches in the United States have fewer than 200 members. While they vary in shape, size, ethnicity, and denomination, they have one thing in common: the desire to grow. So why is it that some churches fail to grow for years, while other congregations in the same community increase […]

Church On The Edge Of Somewhere

Most congregations today exist in what George Thompson calls the “middle of anywhere.” They live comfortably with their surrounding culture, focusing their energies on serving the needs of their current members. These congregations have many strengths and gifts that they can exercise without changing a thing. But Thompson envisions a deeper, more prophetic call for […]

Church Planting

“This book provides a welcome theological foundation and historical framework for church planting, as well as the missiological urgency. It makes a significant contribution both theoretically and practically. Murray’s insights and experience will energize church planting efforts across this continent.” — Eddie Gibbs, Donald A. McGavern Professor of Church Growth, School of World Mission, Fuller […]

Churches That Make A Difference

Churches over the past generations have been weakened by a failure to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of their communities. Many have adopted a narrow vision, focusing on only one aspect of ministry. But in today’s environment of faith-based opportunities many Christians are eager to start reaching out to their world with both […]

Claiming The Center

From Booklist: Taking the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as representative, Rogers recounts an interesting history of Presbyterianism in the U.S. as he pleads with the mainline of Protestantism to stake out a “centrist” position on social and political controversies. The history is more successful than the plea, which is based on a hierarchical conception of religion, […]

Clearing The Way

Come, Holy Spirit – Renew the Whole Creation.’ That prayer is the theme chosen for the seventh assembly of the World Council of Churches which will be held in Canberra, Australia, in February 1991. But to pray for the coming of the Spirit we must spiritually prepare ourselves. As individuals, communities and churches. Such preparation […]