
Calvin For Armchair Theologians

In this concise introduction to Calvin’s life and thought, Elwood offers an insightful and accessible overview of Calvin’s key teachings within his historical context. The trials and travails Calvin encountered as he ministered and taught in Geneva are given with special attention to theological controversies associated with the Trinity and predestination. Elwood indicates the ways […]

Calvin’s Ecclesiastical Advice

In this collection of forty-six letters and writings of John Calvin, newly translated into English, the reformer gives advice to individuals and groups about theology, ethics, worship, politics, economics, and church practices. Topics discussed include dogmatics and polemics, changes (and the need for changes) in religion, the worship of images, ecclesiastical discipline, marriage, and justice. Specific […]

Calvin’s Institutes

This is an easy to read book that follows the main development of Calvin’s theology, accentuating Calvin’s positive convictions without lingering over matters of only dated importance. Also, persons who desire authentic texts of a religious tradition. Selections are reprinted from Calvin: Institutes of the Christian religion, edited by John T. MacNeill and translated by […]

Can Homophobia Be Cured?

In Can Homophobia Be Cured? Bruce Hilton focuses on the difficult questions Christians raise about the deeply divisive issue of homosexuality: – What if the real sin is not homosexuality but homophobia – fear and hatred of lesbians and gay men? – What will the church do with the growing scientific evidence that same-sex orientation […]

Carriers Of Faith

This book is written to honor Robert Lynn, who contributed to both theological foundations and the practice of faith during his tenure as Senior Vice Presidents for Religion of the Lilly Endowment. These essays, by seventeen authors of various denominational, professional, and personal backgrounds, describe different aspects of the role of congregations in transmitting faith. […]

Choosing Church

Widely known theological educator and sociologist Carol Lytch presents this well-researched study of what attracts teenagers to the church and what keeps them there. The cogent research includes interviews of a number of teenagers and their parents from mainline Protestant, evangelical, and Roman Catholic congregations. Groundbreaking and fascinating, Choosing Church ulitmately serves as a highly […]

Choosing The Kingdom

Today the Christian faith is moving through one of the greatest sea changes in its two thousand year history, and we can no longer assume we know exactly what kind of animal preaching is or ought to be. Choosing the Kingdom is both a work of theology and a how-to guide for preachers who want to rethink […]