
The Practicing Congregation

The conventional wisdom about mainline Protestantism maintains that it is a dying tradition, irrelevant to a postmodern society, unresponsive to change, and increasingly disconnected from its core faith tenets. In her provocative new book, historian and researcher Diana Butler Bass argues that there are signs that mainline Protestant churches are indeed changing, finding a new […]

The Presbyterian Deacon

In this highly useful book, Earl S. Johnson, Jr., explores the role of the deacon in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The author explains the freedom for churches to define the roles of deacons, and he supplies many helpful suggestions regarding their responsibilities. Johnson examines the ministry as it is described in sections of the Book […]

The Presbyterian Handbook: Revised Edition

The Presbyterian Handbook, Revised Edition provides historical and up to date theological information about Presbyterian beliefs alongside fun-filled facts and practical tips on being a churchgoing follower of Jesus Christ. Complete with illustrations, the book presents a wonderful combination of vast truths, complex details, and bits of humor about Presbyterian understanding of the Christian life. […]

The Presbyterian Hymnal Companion

This helpful resource provides extensive information about each hymn in The Presbyterian Hymnal (1990)–background detail about hymn origins, publication history, authors, translators, composers, and arrangers. Stories about some of the hymns are also included. An excellent handbook that supplies information useful for a variety of purposes.

The Presbyterian Predicament

Prominent writers from different disciplines strive to analyze the Presbyterian predicament and to offer solutions. Robert Wuthnow (Princeton University) uses sociology to trace the decline of American Presbyterianism in relation to other mainline denominations. Edward Farley (Vanderbilt University) lists areas in which Presbyterians’ heritage of ‘critical modernism’ can be discerned. Barbara Wheeler (Auburn Theological Seminary) […]

The Presbyterian Trustee

The Presbyterian Trustee is a brief, highly useful handbook for trustees in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the first to examine the office. Modeled after The Presbyterian Elder and the author’s own The Presbyterian Deacon, this book explores the biblical models of trustees, the historic background of the office, and the responsibilities of trustees today. […]

The Presbyterians

In a brief, narrative survey, Balmer and Fitzmier trace the history of the Presbyterian tradition, from its roots in Europe to its manifestations in contemporary America. The six chapters cover the European origins of Presbyterianism; the growth of Presbyterianism in the Northern and Southern states during the nineteenth century; and the development of Presbyterianism in […]

The Price Of Faith

Although stewardship itself is a word often heard in the church, money is rarely discussed in terms of the ethical decisions and daily lifestyle choices we make. The Price of Faith presents a holistic definition of stewardship, pressing the reader beyond budgets and pledge campaigns. Cross examines what money and wealth mean for us in […]

The Re-Forming Tradition

This book challenges American Presbyterians to remember their calling as Christians. The authors believe that Presbyterians are summoned to a character of life that will awaken and address the religious questions of today with powerful and persuasive Christian perspectives and answers.