
The 3 Colors Of Leadership

The 3 Colors of Leadership presents an exciting new way of looking at leadership. Whether you are an established leader in a high-profile position or an emerging leader who is still unsure whether God wants you to take over more leadership responsibility, the training described in this book will empower you in such a way […]

The 3 Colors Of Love

The Natural Church Development process involves assessing and strengthening eight Quality Characteristics in the local church. NCD International is developing eight Discipleship Resource books, one to address each of these areas. Two of these books are currently available–this one which corresponds to the Quality Characteristic of Loving Relationships and another which which corresponds to the […]

The 3 Colors of Ministry

The 3 Colors of Ministry presents a holistic approach to identifying and developing your spiritual gifts. It is based on the three dimensions of God’s character for which Christian Schwarz has chosen the colors green, red, and blue. In addition to emphasizing the critical importance of using your gifts in an authentically trinitarian way, this […]

The Active Life

The Active Life is Parker J. Palmer’s deep and graceful exploration of a spirituality for the busy, sometimes frenetic lives many of us lead. Telling evocative stories from a variety of religious traditions, including Taoist, Jewish, and Christian, Palmer shows that the spiritual life does not mean abandoning the world but engaging it more deeply […]

The Alban Personnel Handbook For Congregations

Today’s congregations increasingly are finding themselves serving as human resource managers for both ordained and non-ordained persons. This handbook provides practical and proven strategies for managing church staff and addresses the particular ethical and theological issues that faith communities need to consider to be effective stewards of those whom the employ. Among this books invaluable […]

The Apostles’ Creed

From the Introduction: If a nonbeliever asked you what you believe, what would you say? A good place to start would be the Apostles’ Creed. All Christians share the creed, we say it together, many of us weekly, and it summarizes the faith in a few words. Even as we recite these well-worn words, however, […]

The Big Book Of Presbyterian Stewardship

This book deals in a practical, clear, easy-to-understand manner with the full extent of financial issues that face a church. With a comprehensive scope, this book offers a fresh perspective and fun ideas for people who may not have any financial background or experience. Each chapter suggests a creative way to handle a significant money […]

The Business Of The Church

Pastors are called to be not only leaders with vision but also managers of congregational systems, says John Wimberly in The Business of the Church. Drawing on his thirty-six years in ordained ministry, Wimberly weaves the realities of congregational dynamics and faith-centered purpose together with practical, proven approaches to business management. A student and friend […]

The Child’s Song

Theological ideas and biblical injunctions have frequently been employed to legitimate the physical abuse of children. Some theological ideas are inherently abusive because they create fear in a child’s mind, causing a child to feel alone, odd, or of little worth. Donald Capps exposes some abuses that theology and the Bible have inflicted on vast […]

The Christian Life

In this concise volume, Lindvall divides the journey into three parts: ‘Leaving for Home,’ ‘The Way,’ and ‘Life of the Road.’ The first part struggles with the question, ‘Why go anywhere at all, spiritually speaking?’ The second part names the road – the way found in the ancient map of God called the Trinity. The […]