
How To Survive Being A Presbyterian

A hilarious, tongue-in-cheek celebration of the foibles of the Frozen Chosen! This Presby 101 handbook uses an advice format to describe Presbyterians by ostensibly addressing new members of the church. But it is a funny primer and survival manual for ALL members of the denomination! How to Survive Being a Presbyterian gently skewers the history, […]

How We Seek God Together

Every congregation has a certain “tone” or “feel,” because its members do things a particular way. How We Seek God Together identifies and explores congregational worship style, providing a unique resource for congregations seeking to answer the question “Why do we do things the way that we do?”How We Seek God Together was developed by three researchers who […]

How Your Church Family Works

Drawing on the work of Bowen, Friedman, and his own many years’ counseling experience, Peter Steinke shows how to recognize and deal with the emotional roots of such issues as church conflict, leadership roles, congregational change, irresponsible behavior, and the effect of family of origin on current relationships. Discover why working relationships may be “stuck” […]

If It Could Happen Here…

In this informative book, Jeff Patton describes six ‘levers’ for transforming a small-membership church: prayer, discerning a clear vision, indigenous worship, growth groups, membership that means something, and by pastoring. Filled with solid insights on how the principles Patton has developed can be applied in different contacts, this book will offer hope to all leaders […]

If This Is The Way The World Works

In If This Is the Way the World Works William O. Avery and Beth Ann Gaede ask two primary questions: First, what principles from science are so broadly accepted that scientists themselves are willing to say, ‘This is the way the world works’? Second, how do congregations and their leaders behave when they operate in […]

Implementation Guide To Natural Church Development

Every church is unmistakeably unique. Instead of projecting the experiences of a few successful model churches on every church, natural church development helps you discover and develop the God-given, unique nature of your church. This workbook is based on the most comprehensive research project ever conducted on the causes of church growth. More than 1000 […]

In Search Of A Leader

“If ever a book met a ‘felt need’ this is it. Here is a practical assistance for search committees provided by an experienced consultant in executive work.” – Ted W. Engstrom, President Emeritus, World Vision “Dingmans’s experience, wisdom, candor, and humor come through in this book. He is remarkably qualified to share the literally hundreds […]

In Search Of The Unchurched

What’s working and not working in your congregation? You’ll explore the factors that inspired and motivated changes to reverse decline as other congregations wrestled with the same issues you’re facing: ministry to current members, ministry to the unchurched, worship, changing neighborhoods, and more.

Innovations In Ministry

Asserting that the good news greatly exceeds the bad news, Innovations in Ministry celebrates what’s working in American Protestantism. Lyle E. Schaller identifies the new, emerging models for ministry, with heavy emphasis on paradigm shifts toward laity driven ministries, which include: (1) market-driven ‘niched’ ministry to reach diverse populations; (2) ownership and initiative in ministry; […]