Format: DVD
A Sacred Trust
Four Part Program and Facilitator’s Guide A Sacred Trust is a four part DVD training curriculum available as a part of the Teaching Healthy Boundaries 101 & 201 Training Kit. The goals of this fundamental boundaries program are to: Increase awareness of the need for healthy boundaries in the clergy-congregant or teacher-student relationship Provide clergy, lay leaders and…
Being Presbyterian
God gave us Ruling Elders and Deacons so we could be the people God made us to be. What do these leaders need to know to effectively lead the Church? Find out in the Preparation for Ordered Ministry series from Theocademy. This three disc boxed set contains all thirteen lessons from the Preparation for Ordered…
Security, Diversity and Respect
These videos were produced as part of the Chicago Police Department’s desire to communicate more effectively with religious groups after the Sept. 11 attacks. They focus on Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus. Each contains scenes shot inside homes and houses of worship, as well as interviews in which religious and community leaders explain aspects…
International Health Ministries
Presbyterians have been at the forefront of health missions around the world for more than 100 years. This 10-minute program illustrates how International Health and Development carries on that tradition today, engaging U.S. Presbyterians in health-related missions and supporting the health and community development initiatives of PC(USA)’s global church partners.
Black Presbyterians
The Office of African American Congregational Support of the General Assembly Council has captured the history of several African-American Presbyterians who were active in the Civil Rights Movement in this first of several DVDs entitled “Black Presbyterians: The Legacy Series.†This DVD on the Civil Rights movement is a resource that details the history of…
Transformation Study Series
This DVD contains a series of five Bible Studies for your use in a series of session meetings, or a retreat, or a series of meetings with a Long Range Planning or Visioning Committee, or in any other way that seems appropriate to your setting. The intention is that each session might take your group…
Vincent Van Gogh
A lecture given by The Reverend Dr. Dennis Davenport on Vincent Van Gogh.
Dirt! The Movie
A look at man’s relationship with Dirt. Dirt has given us food, shelter, fuel, medicine, ceramics, flowers, cosmetics and color –everything needed for our survival. For most of the last ten thousand years we humans understood our intimate bond with dirt and the rest of nature. We took care of the soils that took care…
Celebration of Discipline (Group Resource)
Celebration of Discipline is a video-based curriculum built on Richard Foster’s most acclaimed book. It is designed to help Christians experience authentic transformation through engagement with classic Christian disciplines. The book, leader’s guide, participant’s guide, and DVD are used to conduct the 13-session series. Based on a book by the same title, published by Harper…