Category Archives: Booklets & Journals

A Brief Statement of Faith

In 1983 the two largest Presbyterian churches in the United States reunited. The “Plan for Reunion” called for the preparation of a brief statement of the Reformed faith for possible inclusion in The Book of Confessions. This statement is therefore not intended to stand alone, apart from the other confessions of our church. It does not […]

A Church Of The Word And Sacrament

Since the reformation, “Word and Sacrament” have been identifying marks of the church.  What happens to the church when sacraments are marginalized and word is relativized?  This essay, originally presented as an address to an international reformed consultation, calls for a church in which Word and Sacrament are present in fullness.

Social Witness In Generous Orthodoxy

George Hunsinger asserts that the polarity of “progressive politics and traditional faith” is not true to the gospel and not true to the church’s own tradition. More directly, Hunsinger demonstrates that the Presbyterian Church’s new “Study Catechism” embodies theology and social witness together in fidelity to the gospel. Social Witness in Generous Orthodoxy — Theology and […]

Growing Up Theologically

In Theology and Worship Occasional Paper No. 15, Leanne Van Dyk develops a lively metaphor for thinking theologically. Growing Up Theologically spins out the process of organic growth as an imaginative way of understanding ourselves as people who can and do reflect on Christian faith and life, and who can mature in our theological thinking.

Congregational Transformation

This booklet is about Congregational Redevelopment and is one in a series of how-to booklets produced by the Evangelism and Church Development Program Area of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). To redevelop a congregation is to redirect its ministry in response to significant changes that may have taken place either among its membership or in the […]

New Church Development

This booklet is one in a series produced by the Evangelism and Church Development Program Area of the National Ministries Division of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It is designed to introduce the visions, values, convictions and concerns under girding the development of new worshiping congregations in the 21st century.

The Church And Its Unity

In “True Confession: A Presbyterian Dissenter Thinks about the Church,” Barbara Wheeler speaks honestly about issues that divide the church, yet calls for the maintenance of God-given unity. Mark Achtemeier acknowledges that frustration with continuous controversy sometimes leads to the desire for separation, yet he sets forth “Seven Theses on the Unity of the Church.” […]