Category Archives: Booklets & Journals
Leading From Within
Growing in the Life of Christian Faith
There is a yearning among many members of the Presbyterian Church for a life of faith that is newer, fresher, and more vibrant. “Growing in the Life of Christian Faith” is a resource that examines both the contemporary desire for a more lively life of faith and the way in which that desire might be […]
Surely Heed Their Cry
What We Wish We Had Known
History and Dedication This manual is a gift to the congregation of The Presbyterian Church, Mt. Kisco, New York, in recognition of the love and support that our church members have given to individuals and families whose lives have been touched by the issue of homosexuality. Most of us grew up with very limited factual […]
The Leadership Situation Facing American Congregations
Growing Healthy Churches
From the Introduction: Growing Healthy Churches is the fifth volume in a continuing series produced by the Board of Pensions. Like its predecessor volumes, this resource is dedicated to supporting healthy ministers and ministry across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) […] […] This fifth volume focuses on how the church might “grow.” It is well known that since the […]
Here is the Church, Here is the Tall Steeple, Look Inside and …?
Presbyterian Leadership
From the Introduction: […] Out of our experience we want to share some deeply held convictions about the gifts that our Presbyterian tradition has to offer to the renewal of leadership in our church. We believe that we need a leadership revolution at every level in our church, and that the resources for that renewal, while they can well […]