Category Archives: Booklets & Journals

Rising To The Risk

“This book tells about the success stories of vital and dynamic small congregations. You’ll see common characteristics among these small churches. They are dedicated followers of Jesus Christ led by faith to  dynamic and useful Christ-like change. Others do not dictate that changes will happen; instead the members and pastors, and, in some cases, the […]

The French Confession of 1559

From the Preface: At the present time, when the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) must learn to live with the reality of its ‘cultural disestablishment,’ the French Confession is a helpful conversation partner. It is more than a mere historical curiosity, for although the French Confession is a product of 16th century Europe, it is neither out […]

Pastoral Expectations Inventory

The Pastoral Expectations Inventory provides a basis for the pastor and session to clarify and agree upon (1) priorities in the life of the church; (2) priorities in the activities in which the pastor will engage; (3) time required for the performance of those activities; and (4) the way in which members of the session […]

Building Your Own Model For Cooperative Ministry

Building Your Own Model for Cooperative Ministry is a program for mission development with many important characteristics … Cooperative development is the key to a successful mission program. Congregations are bound together into a larger configuration; not isolated. This vision of the church is profoundly important as a vital ingredient in the remedy for the […]

Cooperative Parish Manual

Cooperative Parish Ministry (Definition) Several congregations that share a common ministry area or region covenant together to envision that parish area as the place in which Christ is calling them into cooperative planning and ministry. While each congregation maintains its own board or session, the covenanting lead to the sharing of ideas, energies, leadership and […]

In Life and in Death We Belong to God

The 213th General Assembly (2001) directed the Office of Theology and Worship to conduct a Church-wide dialogue on End-of-Life Issues. As part of the Office of Theology and Worship’s continuing work to implement this directive, we are making available in digital format In Life and In Death We Belong To God: Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and End-of-Life […]

Lift Every Voice

This report recommends ways to strengthen democratic — small d — promise and practice in the political life of the United States based on principles of Reformed Christianity. Presbyterian political scientists, ethicists and others studied why so many Americans do not vote, despite the 2007 renewal of Voting Rights Act protections against racial discrimination. Remedies […]