Category Archives: Booklets & Journals

Presbyterian and Reformed Historic Sites

A registry of sites that are associated with important people, organizations, institutions, and events of the churches of the Presbyterian/Reformed tradition. They are located in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, in large cities and small towns, in counrty fields and amid the high rise buildings of downtown districts. They preserve the memory […]

Pastoral Activities Index

The Pastoral Activities Index is a detailed description of the activites in which pastors engage, organized in eight roles: (1) Director of Worship; (2) Facilitator of Pastoral Care; (3) Leader & Interpreter of Mission; (4) Coordinator of Church Education; (5) Facilitator of Parish/Community Relationships; (6) Administrator; (7) Member of the Presbytery; (8) Member of the […]

Pastoral Performance Profile

The Pastoral Performance Profile (Second Edition) is a criteria-referenced self-evaluation instrument for pastors and has been derived from the Pastoral Activities Index. It consists of 28 scales, each with five statements that describe the different ways in which pastors carry out some of their more important activities. The instrument is normally to be used by […]

The Small Church

Focuses on how churches under 100 in worship can reach out to include more people. It includes: Basic Decisions, Varieties of Small Churches, Obstacles to Growth, The Small Church and the Pastor, Things to Watch for as the Church Grows, Small Church and Morale, Workable Programs, Modeling a Large Church, Staffing the Small Church, Finances, […]