Category Archives: Book Collection


Jack Haberer is not willing to believe that the church has reached an impasse, irretrievably divided into two parties. Rather, he defines five GodViews that, among other things, shape the way Christians relate with one another today. Haberer believes that a unity that consciously embraces a diversity of convictions holds the best hope for the […]

The Presbyterian Handbook: Revised Edition

The Presbyterian Handbook, Revised Edition provides historical and up to date theological information about Presbyterian beliefs alongside fun-filled facts and practical tips on being a churchgoing follower of Jesus Christ. Complete with illustrations, the book presents a wonderful combination of vast truths, complex details, and bits of humor about Presbyterian understanding of the Christian life. […]

Body Building

God gave Moses the vision to build a tabernacle, but Moses did not do that by himself. Church leaders engage in a similar endeavor. They a) see what is inside other potential leaders, b) use leadership, discernment, and management skills to bring the potential out, and c) avoid standing in front of the future leaders […]

Team Ministry

Here is a step-by-step workbook for authorizing and empowering teams in your congregation. The principles and guidelines are adaptable to churches that have one core team of lay ministers or as many as one hundred teams of volunteers and staff in ministry. Teams can use this workbook to craft mission statements and then walk through […]

Creative Stewardship

Creative Stewardship offers to the leaders of the church, both lay and clergy, guidelines that will help them apply the principles and patterns of Christian stewardship as a model for creative lining. How can we be better stewards to further God’s purpose in creation’s redemption? Dr. Cunningham shows the far reaching implications of the steward’s […]

Carriers Of Faith

This book is written to honor Robert Lynn, who contributed to both theological foundations and the practice of faith during his tenure as Senior Vice Presidents for Religion of the Lilly Endowment. These essays, by seventeen authors of various denominational, professional, and personal backgrounds, describe different aspects of the role of congregations in transmitting faith. […]

The Pluralistic Vision

This valuable book examines the results of research on theological education in the twentieth century, spiritual formation among seminarians, and the changing nature of Presbyterian-related colleges. Several essays review Christian education among Presbyterians, focusing on the forming of curricula for church schools, the use of scripture in Presbyterian curricula, and the publications from denominational presses. […]

We Believe

A newly revised edition of a helpful study guide that assists Presbyterians in understanding the creeds of the church. Updated to include an analysis of ‘A Brief Statement of Faith’, which became part of the Book of Confessions in 1991, this book is used in the training program for church officers of the Presbyterian Church […]