Category Archives: Book Collection
Spiritual Disciplines For Everyday Living
A few writers over the centuries have produced a rich treasury of spiritual insight which has enabled people to deepen their faith while maturing in spiritual understanding and action. The sketches on the cover introduce some of the contemporary women and men whose lives and writings have been grounded in this precious tradition. The selections […]
We Are The Church Together
Is there anything distinctive about what it means to be ‘church’ in a culturally diverse congregation? Does the cultural diversity of a congregation affect the way it seeks to form and renew itself as a community of faith? On-the-scene research in three culturally diverse congregations in a large southern city answers these questions in ways […]
All Shall Be Well
This practical and thought-provoking guide to Christian contemplative prayer combines exposition and interpretation of two great spiritual classics with reflections on particular insights and their development. It relates these insights to those found in teachings as far apart as Jung and Zen Buddhism, while not losing sight of the great tradition of prayer and contemplation […]
Antagonists In The Church (Study Guide)
Living Simply Through The Day
Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner’s Handbook
This introductory tool for students doing Old and New Testament exegesis has been updated to included: an improved bibliography, additional illustrations, additional sections on structuralist/rhetorical/’new’ criticism and canonical criticism, plus new material on the use of concordances and on current developments including the influence of liberation and feminist perspectives on exegetical work. The new edition […]
Introduction To The Reformed Tradition
From the Preface: ‘This study of the Reformed tradition is motivated by gratitude for a heritage that has nurtured and shaped the writer’s own life and by the conviction that the tradition provides resources, clues, and inspiration for life in the last quarter of the twentieth century… The Reformed tradition has been one of the […]
Our Presbyterian Belief
Everything you always wanted to know about Presbyterians. In one compact volume Felix Gear provides the history, theology, and the philosophy of Presbyterians in the reformed tradition complete with thought-provoking questions and readily understandable answers. This impressive outline examines fundamental doctrines and the basic beliefs of the reformed tradition.
Theological Turning Points
In a single vlume Donald K. McKim traces the historical and systematic development of eight major Christian doctrines from the early centuries to the present. Clearly written and amply documented, his introductory handbook features primary sourves and extensive endnotes. He covers: the Trinity, Christology, Ecclesiology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Authority, the Sacraments, and Eschatology; concentrating on the […]