Category Archives: Book Collection

Clergy Killers

Clergy Killers offers remedial strategies for pastors and congregations who want to protect themselves against the abuse of parishioners with personality disorders, mental illnesses, and mean streaks in situations that go well beyond mere church conflict.

Introducing Christianity

By the best-selling author of over a dozen key works of religious education, this clearly written introduction to Christianity for adults and young readers offers: Non-technical language and easy reference A breakdown of Christianity in eight sub-divided chapters ranging from Jesus and the early church through churches, the bible, ceremonies, and beliefs. Full glossary and […]


Confirmation is one of the most widespread practices in the contemporary church, although much confusion exists about its relationship to faith: Is confirmation a rite of passage? Is it just one step on an unfolding journey of faith? Are new privileges granted and additional responsibilities required of confirmants? Christian educator Richard Robert Osmer addresses these […]

A Brief History Of The Presbyterians

A review and summary of Christian Church history from the Presbyterian point of view. Its origins may be found in the early Church as described in the New Testament, says the author, only to be eclipsed as church government became increasingly autocratic. Consequently such representative government of a Presbyterian type as existed in the early […]

Sealed In Christ

“Sealed in Christ is an excellent teaching tool for congregations. In a remarkably simple and interesting way, the author has interwoven central theological affirmations of our church by explaining the different symbols that make up the seal: the dove, the fish, the open bible, the cup, and the fire, forming the cross. The book will help […]


John Calvin (1509-64) was a key figure in what we now call the European Reformation; but his influence extends to the twentieth century, most notably through the theology of Karl Barth. Outstanding as biblical scholar, preacher and practical Church reformer, Calvin intended all his work to be service of the Word of God. Although couched […]

Claiming The Center

From Booklist: Taking the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as representative, Rogers recounts an interesting history of Presbyterianism in the U.S. as he pleads with the mainline of Protestantism to stake out a “centrist” position on social and political controversies. The history is more successful than the plea, which is based on a hierarchical conception of religion, […]

Coming Out As Parents

How do parents respond to the knowledge that their child is gay or lesbian? David Switzer, in a complete revision of his best-selling Parents of the Homosexual, helps parents understand their feelings and reactions to that knowledge and clarifies what it means to be homosexual. He explores recent scientific, social, and biblical information about homosexuality, […]

Introducing The Reformed Faith

In this guide to the Reformed tradition, Donald McKim examines sixteen theological doctrines (for example, Scripture, Trinity, Sin, Person and Work of Christ, Church) and shows how the Reformed understanding of each contributes to the broader ecumenical family of Christian teachings. Each chapter gives the biblical basis for the doctrine, then traces its development through […]

Singing In Celebration

‘Hymns are written to be part of the liturgy-the work of the people of God. When you write a hymn, you are putting words into the mouths of other people, other worshipers. The words of hymns become the words of a worshiping congregation.’ — Jane Parker Huber Hymns in this book are grouped into five […]