Category Archives: Book Collection

The Christian Life

In this concise volume, Lindvall divides the journey into three parts: ‘Leaving for Home,’ ‘The Way,’ and ‘Life of the Road.’ The first part struggles with the question, ‘Why go anywhere at all, spiritually speaking?’ The second part names the road – the way found in the ancient map of God called the Trinity. The […]

The Big Book Of Presbyterian Stewardship

This book deals in a practical, clear, easy-to-understand manner with the full extent of financial issues that face a church. With a comprehensive scope, this book offers a fresh perspective and fun ideas for people who may not have any financial background or experience. Each chapter suggests a creative way to handle a significant money […]

Searching For A Pastor The Presbyterian Way

When a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation searches for a new pastor or associate pastor, there are many official guidelines to follow. This step-by-step guide for nominating committees not only makes these procedures clear and understandable, but it goes behind the rules and regulations to the deeper theological and practical concerns. Foose explains how to get […]

Authentic Congregations

William Hopper believes it is time for a renewed emphasis on congregations in the life of the Presbyterian Church, and so in this book he challenges Presbyterians to revitalize congregational leadership, organization, and mission for greater service in a changing world. Using case studies of “authentic congregations” — diverse Presbyterian congregations that are responding creatively […]

Holy Is The Lord

In this resource, worship planners will find the work of many of today’s leading composers. This collection is a unique blend of music ranging from classical, traditional, and chant, to global, African-American gospel, and praise genres. Some settings will be more accessible to smaller congregations or those just beginning to use service music, other settings […]

Lift Up Your Hearts (Leaders’ Edition)

The Leader’s edition features written-out accompaniment for all songs, including parts for various instruments where suitable, as well as suggestions for tempo and interpretation. It has been designed for congregations that want to introduce contemporary music into worship while maintaining theological integrity and musical excellence.

Presbyterian Polity For Church Officers
(Third Edition)

Now in a newly revised edition, this detailed, comprehensive interpretation of the Book of Order is the most complete resource of its kind since the church’s reunion. . It explains the system of Presbyterian government, from sessions to presbyteries to synods to the General Assembly itself. This important resource and reference includes the major amendments approved by […]

Always Being Reformed

Is it possible to maintain and defend Christian faithfulness and integrity in a pluralistic world without being arrogant, exclusive, intolerant, or irrelevant? Is it possible to be open to change, tolerant of difference, and relevant without compromising or sacrificing christian authenticity? Shirley Guthrie looks to the Reformed confessions to answer these questions. He asserts that […]

Helping People Forgive

Using resources from scripture, theology, and the social sciences, pastoral counselor David Augsburger explores the complicated issues of Christian forgiveness and reconciliation and their real-world applications. He asks, what exactly is forgiveness? Is it always possible? If so, how? Is it ever optional? What role does repentance play in forgiveness? Does reconciliation imply a return […]

The Learning Congregation

Thomas Hawkins proposes a fresh and highly practical model for congregational leadership, providing practical strategies for understanding the relationship between leadership, learning, and ministry. The Learning Congregation is must reading for all pastors, church leaders, and church members.