Category Archives: Book Collection

Aging Well

From the Introduction: There are countless books and a number of manuals dealing with the major issues of aging and retirement. Many of them are very good and can be helpful. This monograph is not intended to replace them. Rather, it is intended to be an addendum to the universal issues that are wither particularly […]

Stepping Out in Faith

This resource tells the stories of nine smaller membership congregations that have stepped out in faith and experienced transformation. These congregations demonstrate that change is possible even with limited resources and support. Spiritual discernment, changing demographics, pastoral leadership, and church building issues are all addressed. Discussion questions follow each story and the resource concludes with […]

Church Marketing 101

Over 90 percent of all Christian churches in the United States have fewer than 200 members. While they vary in shape, size, ethnicity, and denomination, they have one thing in common: the desire to grow. So why is it that some churches fail to grow for years, while other congregations in the same community increase […]

Beyond The First Visit

Does your church put out the ‘Welcome’ mat or the ‘Do not disturb’ sign? We all like to think that our church is the friendliest one in town. But do visitors see it that way? Church consultant Gary L. McIntosh invites you to take another look at your church through the eyes of a first-time […]

The Secrets To Masterful Meetings

Are you ready to rid your organization of bad meetings? Surely you have sat through them. Those meetings that… Don’t start on time. Don’t have a purpose. Don’t stay on topic. Don’t address conflict. Don’t have the right people present. Don’t engage those who are. Don’t resolve critical issues. Don’t reach a decision. Why do […]

When A Leader Falls

With one in eight pastors admitting to having an affair, sexual sins among those in church leadership positions rightfully assume their place as one of the most dangerous and devastating issues facing Christendom today. And while a great deal of attention is given to the restoration of a fallen pastor or leader, almost no attention […]

The Business Of The Church

Pastors are called to be not only leaders with vision but also managers of congregational systems, says John Wimberly in The Business of the Church. Drawing on his thirty-six years in ordained ministry, Wimberly weaves the realities of congregational dynamics and faith-centered purpose together with practical, proven approaches to business management. A student and friend […]

The 3 Colors Of Leadership

The 3 Colors of Leadership presents an exciting new way of looking at leadership. Whether you are an established leader in a high-profile position or an emerging leader who is still unsure whether God wants you to take over more leadership responsibility, the training described in this book will empower you in such a way […]

The 3 Colors Of Community

The 3 Colors of Community presents an altogether new way of approaching small groups. Rather than being preoccupied with the technical aspects of small group ministry, this book focuses on the qualities that are fundamental for any sort of Christian community, be it a family, a prayer meeting, a Bible study group, a task force, […]

Hoosier Zion

The early settlers of Indiana, mostly from the back-country South, regarded the first Presbyterian missionaries in the state as outlanders and agents of eastern culture. Suffering under this handicap as well as from bitter strife within the denomination, the ministers showed remarkable zeal in working toward their goal of upgrading the settler’s material life, improving […]