Category Archives: Book Collection

Direct Hit

Lead the kind of ministry you’ve always dreamed of… Many congregations are declining due to an inward focus, and see their pastor as someone who should only minister to their needs. But pastors must anticipate a better future. Direct Hit offers hope to leasers of congreagations that have lost their outward focus. By preparing for […]

Growing Spiritual Redwoods

Growing Spiritual Redwoods is an effort to help church leaders answer the kinds of questions that confront congregations and Christians in this era of rapid and uncertain change in the church, questions such as: Are you committed to Jesus Christ, or to a particular doctrine, denomination, or church? Do you speak of faith as an […]

Benchmarks Of Quality In The Church

This definitive handbook can help church leaders to understand the powerful tools available that lead to continuous improvement in ministry. Charts, diagrams, statistics, and ‘quality jargon’ are kept to a minimum. An appendix on Total Quality Management will aid leaders who wish to explore more carefully the literature on the quality movement.

Innovations In Ministry

Asserting that the good news greatly exceeds the bad news, Innovations in Ministry celebrates what’s working in American Protestantism. Lyle E. Schaller identifies the new, emerging models for ministry, with heavy emphasis on paradigm shifts toward laity driven ministries, which include: (1) market-driven ‘niched’ ministry to reach diverse populations; (2) ownership and initiative in ministry; […]

How To Preach A Parable

In this practical and insightful guide, one of the nation’s most respected preachers shows how to use the structure of Jesus’ parables to preach highly effective sermons. During the past decade, New Testament scholars have done fresh and exciting work on the style and function of Jesus’ stories. Now Eugene L. Lowry – in clear, […]

The Wilderness Of God

From the Desert Fathers to T. S. Eliot, the desert has occupied a special place in the Christian tradition. The Wilderness of God is a fascinating study of desert spirituality which shows that the desert can be experienced as a place both of real inspiration and of torture and desolation. The Wilderness of God brings […]

Moving Off The Map

In his book Kicking Habits: Welcome Relief for Addicted Churches, Thomas Bandy provided the ‘big picture’ of the five stages of congregational renewal and transformation. Similarly, in Growing Spiritual Redwoods, Bandy and Bill Easum provided new metaphors for change to help congregations break out of outmoded attitudes and assumptions, and described the nature of spiritual […]

Handbook For Multi-Sensory Worship

In this book Kim Miller and the worship team of Ginghamsburg Church share what they’ve learned about how worship can touch and transform all of God’s people, drawing them into a deepening experience of God’s love, and setting them on the path of Christian service and discipleship. While many books have discussed why new worship […]

Church Conflict

We often describe the church as a ‘family,’ even ‘the family of God,’ In fact, the church is like a family – and it fights like one, too! As in any family, conflict in the church family is natural and inevitable. But the way the church family handles its fights can make or break ministry. […]

The Spectacle Of Worship In A Wired World

Examining the three central elements of electronic culture – images, sound as beat, and visualization – Sample demonstrates that for those steeped in this culture, meaning arises from the convergence of these elements rather than from any one of them individually. He goes on to discuss how these are already present in Christian worship and […]