Category Archives: Book Collection

To Be A Presbyterian

In this lay-friendly introduction to what it means to be a Presbyterian, Louis B. Weeks explains the life, history, tradition, and beliefs of the Presbyterian Church. More than providing just a brief overview, Weeks ties his explanations to actual congregational situations. Each chapter begins with an anecdote and then examines the theme in the following […]

Churches That Make A Difference

Churches over the past generations have been weakened by a failure to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of their communities. Many have adopted a narrow vision, focusing on only one aspect of ministry. But in today’s environment of faith-based opportunities many Christians are eager to start reaching out to their world with both […]

The Debt-Free Church

Like consumers, churches and Christian ministries often get themselves into financial trouble: They go into debt – for new buildings, unbudgeted programs, or even to meet operating expenses – and then weeks, months, or years later wake up to the reality of long-term payments. They realize only too late that their effectiveness and ability to […]

The Word That Redescribes The World

In the last several years, Walter Brueggemann’s writings have directly addressed the situation of Christian communities in today’s globalized context, with its consumerist lifestyles, vast inequalities, and near-imperial exercises of power. His insights, forged in rugged encounters with the texts of the Old Testament, are sharp, painful, and indispensable. In the people Israel Brueggemann finds […]

Building God’s People

Leadership? What for? Here is a workbook for a four-week study course – for clergy and laity – which seeks to answer this question from a specifically biblical and New Testament point of view. The author probes the biblical understanding of issues such as power and authority, and seeks to make clear why Jesus’ approach […]


In this latest and most accessible work from church historian, futurist, and best-selling author Leonard Sweet, church leaders will discover the leadership arts that are essential in today’s ever-changing culture. The author provides thought-provoking yet practical skills that will elevate the scope of ministry from mere survival of daily challenges to thriving in today’s culture! […]

UnLearning Church

You were born to be an original, not a copy. So was your church. It’s time to break the rules…about the church…about leadership…about penetrating postmodern culture with God’s purposes. It’s time to unLearn ‘church.’ In this book, Mike Slaughter, Chief Dreamer of the renowned Ginghamsburg Church, shares a liberty non-model for emerging churches. Churches that […]

Leading Without Power

Simple yet profound, Max De Pree’s observations are often quoted by America’s top CEOs, educators, and opinion makers. The best-selling author of Leadership Is an Art and Leadership Jazz, he has done no less than revolutionize leadership thinking and practice. Now, in Leading Without Power, De Pree finds that the most successful organizations of the […]

Virtual Faith

Beaudoin, himself a member of Generation X, explores fashion, music videos, and cyber-space and concludes that his generation has fashioned a theology radically different from but no less potent or valid than that of their elders. Beaudoin’s investigation of popular culture uncovers four themes that underpin his generation’s theology. First, all institutions are suspect – […]

The Active Life

The Active Life is Parker J. Palmer’s deep and graceful exploration of a spirituality for the busy, sometimes frenetic lives many of us lead. Telling evocative stories from a variety of religious traditions, including Taoist, Jewish, and Christian, Palmer shows that the spiritual life does not mean abandoning the world but engaging it more deeply […]