Category Archives: Book Collection

Alligators In The Swamp

Thompson and a team of contributors-Beverly Thompson, Harvey K. Newman, and Jim Watkins-explore the nature of power and the challenges it proposes to pastoral ministry. By using the metaphor “Alligators in the Swamp,” they illustrate the complexity of power and how it can be used effectively. The text presents and explores the nature of power […]

Hope In Conflict

This helpful guide shows pastors how to look beyond the superficial or most obvious reasons for a particular conflict within their own church, find what is hopeful in the conflict, and reframe the situation, giving the congregation the strength to change it as well.

User Friendly Churches

Is your church user friendly? The apostle Paul shared that he was willing to use all means to win the lost with the gospel of Christ (1 Corinthians 9:22). Today’s growing churches are putting Paul’s words into practice as they reach out to their communities. And as they remain centered on the Bible and committed […]

Sabbatical Journey

Priest and writer Nouwen went from teaching in American universities to serving severely handicapped people at L’Arche Daybreak in Canada. He kept this diary during a sabbatical that turned out to be the last year of his life. Some diaries seem a record of random events, but a remarkable unifying feature of Nouwen’s record is […]

The Church And The Dechurched

‘Dechurched’ people are those who have lost a faith they valued or left a faith community because of a bad experience. They are our coworkers, classmates, family members, even church members, whose wounds make it difficult for them to trust the church or in many cases even to believe in God. This trailblazing book is […]

Rocking The Church Membership Boat

Much has been written on redefining the structure of mainline churches — but the one factor that is most critical to church renewal is the most neglected. That factor is how people join the church. It is the integrity of the membership — and not the number of members — says Jan Linn, that determines […]

Unbinding The Gospel

Unbinding the Gospel: Real Life Evangelism is a book for church groups to study. It’s a book for pastors who want the truth about the state of our churches. Reese presents a clear-spoken, hopeful vision for a future and gives us a way to get there-without gimmicky formulas, but hand-in-hand with God.

Praying The Psalms

Merton shows us how to draw out the richness of worship from the psalter and to use it to achieve ‘the peace that comes from submission to God’s will and from perfect confidence in him’…….Catholic Review Service

The Minister Is Leaving

What happens when a congregation loses its minister? What are the best ways of finding a new one? This book consists of the stories of 14 different congregations which made use of professional consultation in the course of their search process.

All God’s People Are Ministers

While many lay persons realize that the church is the whole people of God, they may have questions about their ministry and wonder what they are called to be and do. This book surveys some of the methods and resources that are available to those who have the responsibility and commitment to engage in strengthening […]