Category Archives: Book Collection

Sacred Spaces

The Celts believed that the visible and invisible worlds, the material and the spiritual, were one. For them, certain places were sacred – places where the divide between visible and invisible was very thin, where the presence of the spiritual was almost palpable. In this book, Margaret Silf introduces seven traditional sacred spaces, such as […]


Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture presents a biblical, Christian worldview for the emergent church – people who are not at home in the traditional church or in the secular world. As exiles of both, they must create their own worldview that integrates their Christian beliefs with the contemporary world. Exiles seeks to integrate all aspects of […]

Church Planting

“This book provides a welcome theological foundation and historical framework for church planting, as well as the missiological urgency. It makes a significant contribution both theoretically and practically. Murray’s insights and experience will energize church planting efforts across this continent.” — Eddie Gibbs, Donald A. McGavern Professor of Church Growth, School of World Mission, Fuller […]

Reaching A New Generation

Our world has changed dramatically in the past quarter century. People are losing faith in technology. Our society has lost consensus and is dividing into competing tribes. There are “new realities” and new values. We are passing into an unprecedented situation with few familiar landmarks to guide us. In Reaching a New Generation, a working pastor […]

One New People

If you are aware of the rich benefits of fellowship that crosses racial lines, but aren’t sure how to make that happen in your church, then this book is for you. Loaded with models from those who have done it, One New People will inspire you to broaden the ministry of your church. With questions to help […]

A Peculiar People

Voted one of Christianity Today’s 1997 Books of the Year! Christians feel increasingly useless, argues Rodney Clapp, not because we have nothing to offer a post-Christian society, but because we are trying to serve as “sponsoring chaplains” to a civilization that no longer sees Christianity as necessary to its existence. In our individualistic, technologically oriented, […]

Transforming Discipleship

Many churchgoers complain that their churches lack a coherent plan for discipleship and spiritual growth. In turn, many church leaders lament their lack of resources to build and manage effective programs to help people become fully devoted followers of Christ. In Transforming Discipleship, Greg Odgen introduces his vision for discipleship, emphasizing that solutions will not be […]

Unbinding Your Soul

Has your church finished the Unbinding Series and asked Are there more prayers? and Where do we go from here? Or have you heard about the Unbinding Series, but not sure if you want to jump in just yet? Unbinding Your Soul is a collection of 40-day prayer journals to be used as either an […]

The Wolf Shall Dwell With The Lamb

A multicultural conference has convened. Everything is in place, and the participants arrive brimming with goodwill and even better intentions. Surely this time…! But, no. Halfway through the meetings, communication grinds to a halt, and people retreat to the safety of their own groups. What happened? And how can we keep it from happening again? […]