Category Archives: Book Collection

How Your Church Family Works

Drawing on the work of Bowen, Friedman, and his own many years’ counseling experience, Peter Steinke shows how to recognize and deal with the emotional roots of such issues as church conflict, leadership roles, congregational change, irresponsible behavior, and the effect of family of origin on current relationships. Discover why working relationships may be “stuck” […]

In Search Of The Unchurched

What’s working and not working in your congregation? You’ll explore the factors that inspired and motivated changes to reverse decline as other congregations wrestled with the same issues you’re facing: ministry to current members, ministry to the unchurched, worship, changing neighborhoods, and more.

Healthy Congregations

In this sequel to How Your Church Family Works, Peter Steinke takes readers into a deeper exploration of the congregation as an emotional system. He outlines the factors that put congregations at risk for anxiety and conflict. Learn ten principles of health, how congregations can adopt new ways of dealing with stress and anxiety, as […]

Church Planting

“This book provides a welcome theological foundation and historical framework for church planting, as well as the missiological urgency. It makes a significant contribution both theoretically and practically. Murray’s insights and experience will energize church planting efforts across this continent.” — Eddie Gibbs, Donald A. McGavern Professor of Church Growth, School of World Mission, Fuller […]

The Collaborative Leader

Building on the insights of the “wisdom people”–Christians who are outstanding leaders in diverse fields like medicine, politics, business, and education, who truly live their Christian values in the marketplace–the authors offer recommendations on how those in formal ministry might examine their own approach to leadership and how they meet the needs, expectations, and challenges […]

Intervention Skills

Finally, a functional guide that focuses on putting the concept of group-process consultation into actual practice! You’ll learn how and under what circumstances a process consultant should intervene to make a group’s work more effective. Plus, this guide shows you how to help groups identify, diagnose, and resolve problems as they occur! This handbook helps […]

Becoming A Woman Of Prayer

Cynthia Heald leads readers through an examination of what the Bible teaches about prayer. In addition to a thought-provoking Bible study, each lesson features classic quotes from some of the great devotional writers throughout history, a reflection from Cynthia, and a suggested memory verse. It will encourage readers to respond to God’s invitation to deeper […]

One Anothering

“Inspiring, Insightful, and most importantly, useful..Dick Meyer is the best small group facilitator I know in the country”……Dennis Denning, Pastor, Northminister Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. One Anothering deals head-on with the issues of confrontation, accountability, contractual agreements, and “caring, not curing” includes 11 sessions, each with preparatory readings and group exercises, based on the “one […]

In Search Of A Leader

“If ever a book met a ‘felt need’ this is it. Here is a practical assistance for search committees provided by an experienced consultant in executive work.” – Ted W. Engstrom, President Emeritus, World Vision “Dingmans’s experience, wisdom, candor, and humor come through in this book. He is remarkably qualified to share the literally hundreds […]

The Disciple Making Church

In a recent study, pollster George Barna stated that the number one topic of interest for church leaders today is discipleship. Not growth, not pastoral care, not evangelism. Discipleship. According to E. Stanley Ott, President of The Vital Churches Institute, There is no person more qualified to address the greatest need in the church today […]