Category Archives: Book Collection
Discerning God’s Will Together
Imagine making decisions about your church based on the question, “God, is this your will?” This idea is the premise behind Discerning God’s Will Together. This contemporary book offers a fresh alternative to the often-rancorous parliamentary procedures many church groups use when making important decisions. Structured around church traditions and biblical examples of decision-making, this book […]
Attending Parishioners’ Spiritual Growth
In this clarion call to tend to spiritual growth, Williamsen provides a much-needed resource for clergy. Discover how to assist parishioners in their prayer and spiritual lives. Learn how individual spiritual growth can flow back into the congregation’s growth as a community. Explore new ideas and practical approaches to using Christian education, worship, retreats, devotional […]
In Search Of A Leader
“If ever a book met a ‘felt need’ this is it. Here is a practical assistance for search committees provided by an experienced consultant in executive work.” – Ted W. Engstrom, President Emeritus, World Vision “Dingmans’s experience, wisdom, candor, and humor come through in this book. He is remarkably qualified to share the literally hundreds […]
The Disciple Making Church
In a recent study, pollster George Barna stated that the number one topic of interest for church leaders today is discipleship. Not growth, not pastoral care, not evangelism. Discipleship. According to E. Stanley Ott, President of The Vital Churches Institute, There is no person more qualified to address the greatest need in the church today […]
The Church Of Facebook
This timely release explores the community-altering phenomenon of social networking sites and what it reveals about friendship, God, and our own hearts. With hundreds of millions of users, social networks are changing how we form relationships, perceive others, and shape our identity. Yet at its core, this movement reflects our need for community. Our longing […]
Sacred Spaces
The Celts believed that the visible and invisible worlds, the material and the spiritual, were one. For them, certain places were sacred – places where the divide between visible and invisible was very thin, where the presence of the spiritual was almost palpable. In this book, Margaret Silf introduces seven traditional sacred spaces, such as […]
Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture presents a biblical, Christian worldview for the emergent church – people who are not at home in the traditional church or in the secular world. As exiles of both, they must create their own worldview that integrates their Christian beliefs with the contemporary world. Exiles seeks to integrate all aspects of […]
Church Planting
“This book provides a welcome theological foundation and historical framework for church planting, as well as the missiological urgency. It makes a significant contribution both theoretically and practically. Murray’s insights and experience will energize church planting efforts across this continent.” — Eddie Gibbs, Donald A. McGavern Professor of Church Growth, School of World Mission, Fuller […]
The Collaborative Leader
Building on the insights of the “wisdom people”–Christians who are outstanding leaders in diverse fields like medicine, politics, business, and education, who truly live their Christian values in the marketplace–the authors offer recommendations on how those in formal ministry might examine their own approach to leadership and how they meet the needs, expectations, and challenges […]