Author: Wasserman (Marney A.)
Call to Worship: Living the Christian Year
Volume 43, Issue #3. Features/Authors are listed, Columns are not. Introduction Long, Kimberly Bracken v Sacraments and Seasons Wasserman, Marney A. 1 Majoring in Minors Copeland, Brant S. 11 How the Liturgical Year (God’s Time) Encounters Us Bower, Peter C. 17 Let Us Our Songs Employ Wall, Eric 23 New Psalms for Holy Week (Year C)…
Call to Worship: The Sacramental Word
Volume 40, Issue #4. Features/Authors of articles are listed, Columns are not. Introduction Long, Kimberly Bracken  v Shouting the Whisper Willson, Patrick J. 1 Preaching as the Presence of Christ Janowiak, Paul A. 8 Leading from Font, Table, and Pulpit Wasserman, Marney A. 15 Praying the Great Thanksgiving Byars, Ronald P. 25 The Long and…