Author: Small (Joseph D.)
Call to Worship: Scripture
Volume 41, Issue #4. Features/Authors are listed, Columns are not. Introduction Long, Kimberly Bracken v Scripture in the Reformed Tradition Small, Joseph D. 1 The Place of the Decalogue in Reformed Liturgy Dorn, Christopher 7 Decalogue: A Musical Setting for Congregational Singing Gambrell, David 15 Sing to the Lord a New Psalm Scheer, Greg 16 The…
A Church Of The Word And Sacrament
Since the reformation, “Word and Sacrament” have been identifying marks of the church. What happens to the church when sacraments are marginalized and word is relativized? This essay, originally presented as an address to an international reformed consultation, calls for a church in which Word and Sacrament are present in fullness.
Who’s In? Who’s Out?
This insightful essay, Who’s In? Who’s Out? by church theologian Joseph Small, is particularly relevant given the debates currently being conducted in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Indeed, this trenchant theological reflection may well come at a kairotic moment (in the words of Paul Tillich), as the church seeks to understand what characteristics deï¬ne this ecclesial community and what constitutes…
Committed Conversation
Three essays: “Church Fears”, “Body Language” and “A Grammar of Committed Conversation.” These offer an analysis of the current divisions in the church and an ecclesially faithful way to talk about these divisions.
Ordination And Authority
As Presbyterians we find ourselves in a place of enduring contention as to who should be ordained without a clear conception of why we should be ordaining anyone. And if we are unsure of the nature of ordained ministry, we certainly will be unclear as to how the ordained exercise authority. Because we live in…
Alive To God In Jesus Christ
Alive to God in Jesus Christ not only presents an accessible way to nurture our intellectual and spiritual understanding of Jesus Christ, but we are also challenged to explore ways that our faith is lived out in our lives and in the world. Dr. Small brings to life the depth and breadth of our Reformed understanding…
Fire And Wind
Fire and Wind is a collection of essays and sermons by prominent Presbyterian theologians and leaders on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and its application for the church today. Topics include the Holy Spirit and the prophets, the Holy Spirit in baptism, the contemporary relevance of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit in…