
A Generation Of Seekers

Baby Boomers comprise over one third of the population, and however elusive it may be, there is something called a “boomer culture” – including a search far spiritual style. In this monumental study, premier sociologist Wade Clark Roof uses the life stories of prototypical boomers to reveal the soul of a generation that now embodies […]

Beyond Establishment

During this century, something decisive has happened to so-called mainline Protestantism. It was ‘disestablished’ from the preeminent cultural position it once enjoyed, but the reasons and implications of this shift are debatable. This book takes a novel, cultural approach to studying mainline denominations and suggests possibilities for a revaluation of denominations in the post-establishment era. […]

Bridging Divided Worlds

Bridging Divided Worlds by Jackson W. Carroll and Wade Clark Roof — two experts in the field of contemporary religion — presents a comprehensive study of generational dynamics within congregations. Their groundbreaking work analyzes the crucial role the generations play in reshaping the American religious landscape. Throughout the book the authors examine current religious and […]