Book Collection

21 Bridges To The 21st Century
The 3 Colors Of Community
The 3 Colors Of Leadership
The 3 Colors Of Love
The 3 Colors of Ministry
40 Days And 40 Bytes
The ABC's Of Natural Church Development
About Being Presbyterian
The Active Life
Adultery And Grace
Aging Well
The Alban Personnel Handbook For Congregations
Alive To God In Jesus Christ
All God's People Are Ministers
All Shall Be Well
All Through The Night
Alligators In The Swamp
Always Being Reformed
Antagonists In The Church
Antagonists In The Church (Study Guide)
The Apostles' Creed
The Arab Christian
Arabs & Israel For Beginners
Are You My Type, Am I Yours?
As Though You Were In Prison With Them
At Ease
Attending Parishioners' Spiritual Growth
Authentic Congregations
Be Not Afraid!
Becoming A Blessed Church
Becoming A Woman Of Prayer
Becoming Christian
Behavioral Covenants In Congregations
Being Presbyterian In The Bible Belt
Belonging To God: A First Catechism
Benchmarks Of Quality In The Church
Better Boundaries
Beyond Establishment
Beyond The First Visit
Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner's Handbook
The Big Book Of Presbyterian Stewardship
Body Building
Book Of Common Worship, 1993 edition
Book of Common Worship, 2018 edition
Book Of Occasional Services
Boundaries Participant's Guide
Boundaries Workbook
Bridging Divided Worlds
A Brief History Of The Presbyterians
A Brief History Of The Presbyterians
Building God's People
The Business Of The Church
By John Calvin
Called Out
Calvin For Armchair Theologians
A Calvin Treasury
Calvin's Ecclesiastical Advice
Calvin's Institutes
Can Homophobia Be Cured?
Carriers Of Faith
Catalog Of Theological Statements Of The Presbyterian Church General Assemblies 1935-1996
Celebrating Our Journey 1802-1991
Changing The World Within
The Child's Song
Choosing Church
Choosing The Kingdom
Christian Chaos
The Christian Doctrine Of Creation And Redemption
The Christian Life
Christianity For The Rest Of Us
Christians And Muslims Together
The Church And The Dechurched
The Church Between Gospel And Culture
Church Conflict
Church Guide To Copyright Law
Church Marketing 101
The Church Of All Ages
The Church Of Facebook
Church On The Edge Of Somewhere
Church Planting
Churches That Make A Difference
Claiming The Center
Clearing The Way
Clergy Killers
Clergy Self Care
The Collaborative Leader
Color Your World With Natural Church Development
Coming Clean
Coming Out As Parents
Coming Out To God
A Commentary On The Confession Of 1967 And An Introduction To The Book Of Confessions
Community Ministry
The Complete Ministry Audit
Completing The Circle
The Confessional Mosaic
Confessions of a Hoosier Christian
Confronting The Idolatry Of Family
The Congregation: Sign Of Hope
Congregation: Stories And Structures
Congregational Leadership In Anxious Times
Constructing A Public Theology
Creating A Healthier Church
Creative Stewardship
Critical Moment Of Ministry: A Change Of Pastors
Dancing With Dinosaurs
Death Of The Church
The Debt-Free Church
Definitive Guidance
Designing Worship Together
Direct Hit
Disaster Spiritual Care
Discerning God's Will Together
Discerning Your Congregation's Future
The Disciple Making Church
The Discipleship Study Bible
Discover Your Spiritual Type
The Diversity Of Discipleship
Dreams, Where Have You Gone?
The Elephant In The Boardroom
Encounter In The Spirit
Encyclopedia Of The Reformed Faith
Ending With Hope
Entertainment Evangelism
Equal Rites
An Evangelism Primer
Even In The Best Of Families
The Everyday, Anytime Guide To Christian Leadership
Exhibition Of The Kingdom Of Heaven To The World
Facing Our Differences
Faith Goes To Work
Faith, Hope, Love, and Witness (Leader's Guide)
Faith, Hope, Love, and Witness (Participant's Book)
Fashion Me A People
Finding Christ In The Book Of Order
Finding Your Prayer Personality
Fire And Wind
Five Challenges For The Once And Future Church
Five Practices Of Fruitful Congregations
Fling Open The Doors
Fragile Hope
From Stuck To Unstuck
The Fully Alive Preacher
The Future Of Protestant Worship
Gathered Before God
A Generation Of Seekers
A Generous Orthodoxy
A Generous Presence
Glory To God
God The Redeemer
God's Gifted People
God's Vision, Our Calling
The Gospel According To Hollywood
The Gospel According To The Simpsons
The Grace Of It All
Growing Spiritual Redwoods
Handbook For Multi-Sensory Worship
Healing The Heart Of Your Church
Healthy Boundaries Training Program
Healthy Congregations
Hearing God's Call
Heart in Focus
Helping People Forgive
The Hidden Lives Of Congregations
His Name Is Joel
The History And Character Of Calvinism
History And Theology In The Book Of Order
A History of the Todd-Dickey Rural Training Parish
Holy Bible
Holy Conversations
Holy Is The Lord
Holy Places
Holy Play
The Holy Qur'an
Home Is Where I Live
Hoosier Faiths
Hoosier Zion
Hope In Conflict
Hostage Bound, Hostage Free
How Do We Worship?
How Then, Shall We Live?
How To Attract And Keep Active Church Members
How To Implement The 3 Colors Of Love in Your World
How to Implement The 3 Colors of Ministry in Your Church
How To Preach A Parable
How To Spell Presbyterian (Newly Revised)
How to Study The 3 Colors of Ministry in Your Small Group
How To Survive Being A Presbyterian
How to Use The 3 Colors of Ministry in a Mentoring Relationship
How We Seek God Together
How Your Church Family Works
If It Could Happen Here...
If This Is The Way The World Works
Implementation Guide To Natural Church Development
The In-Between Church
In Search Of A Leader
In Search Of The Unchurched
The Indispensable Guide For Smaller Churches
Innovations In Ministry
Inside The Organic Church
Instruction In Faith (1537)
The Interim Pastor's Manual
Intervention Skills
Introducing Christianity
Introducing The Reformed Faith
An Introduction To The New Testament
Introduction To The Reformed Tradition
Is It I, Lord?
Islam And War: A Study In Comparative Ethics
Israel And The Politics Of Land
It Only Hurts On Monday
John Calvin And The Church
Journey Of The Spirit
Joy in Singing
Kicking Habits
Know And Be Known
The Leader's Journey
Leadership For A Changing Church
Leadership In Congregations
Leadership Is An Art
Leadership On The Line
Leadership On The Other Side
Leadership Without Easy Answers
Leading Change In The Congregation
Leading Edge
Leading Without Power
Leading Your Ministry
The Learning Congregation
Learning To Pray
Legacy Of The Heart
Lending Your Leadership
Life In His Body
The Life Of Jesus For Today
Lift Up Your Hearts (Leaders' Edition)
Light Our Way
Lines In The Sand
Living Simply Through The Day
Living The Christian Life
Living The Good Life On God's Good Earth
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
The Mainstream Protestant "Decline"
Make Room For The Boom...Or Bust
Man And His Symbols
Memories, Hopes, And Conversations
The Minister Is Leaving
More Ready Than You Realize
More Than Numbers
Moving Off The Map
Multigenerational Congregations
My Stroke Of Insight
Natural Church Development
Nearest In Affection
Network Participant's Guide
A New Church For A New World
New Day New Church
New Designs For Church Leadership
Not Trying Too Hard
Not Without My Neighbour
Offerings Of The Heart
The Once And Future Church
The Once And Future Pastor
One Anothering
One New People
One Under God
Open Leadership
Ordination: Past, Present, Future
The Ordination Questions
The Organizational Revolution
Our Presbyterian Belief
Out Of The Shadows
Paradigm Shift In The Church
A Peculiar People
Peter And Paul
The Pluralistic Vision
The Practicing Congregation
Practicing Right Relationship
A Praying Congregation
Praying The Psalms
Preaching And Intimacy
Preaching Ethically
Preaching To Strangers
Presbyterian Beliefs
Presbyterian Creeds
The Presbyterian Deacon
The Presbyterian Handbook: Revised Edition
The Presbyterian Hymnal
The Presbyterian Hymnal Companion
Presbyterian Polity For Church Officers
(Third Edition)
The Presbyterian Predicament
Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers
Presbyterian Social Witness Policy Compilation
The Presbyterian Source
The Presbyterian Trustee
Presbyterians: A Spiritual Journey
The Presbyterians
Preventing Sexual Abuse In Congregations
The Price Of Faith
The Price Of Stones
Principles of Presbyterian Polity
Probing The Reformed Tradition
Proclaim Jubilee!
Projects That Matter
The Psalter
Psalter For Christian Worship
The Purpose-Driven Church
Questions And Answers About Clergy Sexual Misconduct
Raising Small Church Esteem
Raising The Roof
The Re-Forming Tradition
Reaching A New Generation
Reaching Out In A Networked World
Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down
A Reading Of Calvin's Institutes
Reading The Bible And The Confessions
Reconciling The Broken Silence
Redeveloping The Congregation
Reducing The Risk Of Child Sexual Abuse In Your Church
Reducing The Risk Of Child Sexual Abuse Training Manual
Reflecting With God
Reformed And Feminist
Reformed Reader (Volume 1)
Reformed Reader (Volume 2)
Releasing Your Church's Potential
Rerouting The Protestant Mainstream
Rethinking Evangelism
The Rhythm Of Discipleship
Road Runner
Rocking The Church Membership Boat
Running Quickbooks In Nonprofits 2nd Edition
Running Through The Thistles
Sabbatical Journey
Sacred Spaces
A Sacred Trust
Saint Francis Of Assisi
Saying Goodbye
Scripture And Homosexuality
Sealed In Christ
Searching For A Pastor The Presbyterian Way
The Secrets To Masterful Meetings
Seeds Of Hope
Selected Theological Statements Of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assemblies (1956-1998)
Serving God With Style
Setting Up A Library
Sex In The Parish
The Silent Roots
The Silent Transformation
Simple Grace
Sing The Faith: Accompaniment Edition
Sing The Faith: Pew Edition
A Singing Faith
Singing In Celebration
The Small Membership Church
So You're On The Search Committee
Soul Biopsy
Soul Design
Soul Feast (1st. Edition)
Soul Feast (2nd. Edition)
Souls Are Made Of Endurance
The Spectacle Of Worship In A Wired World
The Spirit Of Leadership
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Disciplines For Everyday Living
Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual Leadership For Church Officers: A Handbook
Spirituality And Liberation
Starting Simple
Starting Strong
Steal Away
Stepping Out in Faith
Stepping Stones Of The Steward
Stilling The Storm
Strategies For Change
The Study Catechism: Confirmation Version
The Study Catechism: Full Version
Study Guide For The Re-Forming Tradition
Studying Congregations
Survival Or Revival
Team Ministry
Temporary Shepherds
Theological Turning Points
The Thin Book Of Appreciative Inquiry
This House We Build
This We Believe
Three Dimensions of Leadership
The Threefold Art of Experiencing God
Through The Eyes Of Women
A Time To Heal
To Be A Presbyterian
To Confess The Faith Today
Transforming Church Boards
Transforming Congregational Culture
Transforming Congregations For The Future
Transforming Discipleship
Transforming Leadership
Transforming The Mainline Church
Traveling Together
Trusted Voices
Turn Around Strategies For The Small Church
Twelve Dynamic Shifts For Transforming Your Church
Unbinding The Gospel
Unbinding Your Church
Unbinding Your Heart
Unbinding Your Soul
Unfreezing Moves
UnLearning Church
Unnatural Affections
User Friendly Churches
User Friendly Evaluation
Virtual Faith
Vital Signs
We Are The Church Together
We Believe
We Belong To The Land
Web-Empower Your Church
Westminster Dictionary Of Theological Terms
What You Do Best In the Body of Christ
When A Leader Falls
When Better Isn't Enough
When God Speaks Through Change
When God Speaks Through You
When In Doubt
Where 20 Or 30 Are Gathered
Who Is Our Church?
Why Scripture Matters
The Wilderness Of God
Winds Of Grace, Ways Of Faith
Winning Grants To Strengthen Your Ministry
With All Thy Mind
Witness Without Parallel
The Wolf Shall Dwell With The Lamb
The Word That Redescribes The World
The Work Of The People