FaithQuakes is for people who have the shakes and are looking to God’s future. With up-to-the-minute monitoring of changes and trends that affect our lives, Leonard Sweet provides refreshingly unconventional glimpses into the future that must be grasped by church leaders. We learn how to pursue a more effective, ‘go and tell’ evangelism that reaches the ‘cocooning’ culture; how to rekindle Christian imagination through sensuality, virtual reality, and energized prayer, music, or spiritual experience; how to offer costly grace to a culture that seeks high quality but small indulgences; and how sizzling images and celebrating churches can form a Christian community that is trying to reach a nicer, narcissistic culture.
Leonard Sweet explains why baptized postmoderns want to play more and work less, as they abandon class distinctions between religious professionals and lay amateurs; what the church should do to enhance families and develop spiritual leadership among women and elders in the congregation; and how the church can celebrate open house for all of God’s people by banishing bureaucracy, inhibiting institutions, and denouncing dogma. In sum, Leonard Sweet tells us why ‘the church is the last hope for saving our families, our cities, our businesses, and the earth.’