The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

What Happened at Assembly September 14, 2013

The Assembly host was the Central Presbyterian Church of Terre Haute. 

Worship was led by the Presbytery delegation to the Youth Triennium 2013.  Several young people and adults from our delegation to Triennium were part of a presentation and of testimony to the event itself.  Triennium is a national gathering of Presbyterian Youth every three years.    It takes place on the campus of Perdue University.

Examination of an Inquirer and of a Candidate for Ordination

Jaeseok Park is an Inquirer being presented for movement to Candidacy.  Jaeseok is a member of the Korean Fellowship of Bloomington.  Jaeseok spoke of his life in the church both in Korea and in the United States.  He is a student at Louisville Seminary.

Martha Lasher is a Candidate from Brownstown.  Her final examination on the floor of Assembly was the last step for ordination.  She was affirmed by Assembly and will soon become ordained to the specialized ministry of Military Chaplaincy.  Martha also serves the Vernon Church.

2014 Budget was approved.  The budget was presented for the Assembly’s approval.  The budget is very nearly “flat” with only a very small increase.   That increase is 1.67%.

Per Capita is a portion of the total budget income which supports the administrative functions of the church at all levels beyond the local congregation.  That “rate” is a combination of Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly support.  We adopted a total per capita rate that was identical to 2013 for the next year ($29.33 per member).

[The 2014 Per Capita breakdown is available on the POV Resources for Treasurers page.]

Minimum Compensation Standards for Pastoral Services will be proposed.  These standards include Teaching Elders and Commissioned Ruling Elders.  The salary/housing standard for 2014 reflects an increase of 1.5%.

Recognition of the Honorable Retirement of Reverend David Bremer.  David has served the United Church of Bloomington for 22 plus years.  He and his wife Brenda Woods will continue to live in Brown County.  David’s service and work was honored. Stephanie Worden, an elder at Bloomington United and Larry Jackman , the Stated Clerk of Presbytery, spoke about David’s ministry.

Welcoming of New Members of Presbytery.  Scott Hookey the new pastor at Madison, David Rosen Member at Large,  and Debra McKune the new pastor at Grammer and Scipio were welcomed into the Presbytery.

Re-election of the Treasurer and Stated Clerk for new three year terms was approved.

Larry Jackman, Stated Clerk