The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

What Happened at Assembly on September 12, 2015

The Presbytery assembled at the Bedford Church as we gathered our opening worship was led by Susan McGhee as our preacher for the day.

Rev. J.H. Vanlal Hruaia was introduced to the Assembly.  He is the pastor the new Princeton Presbyterian Parish.  The parish was formed by the Princeton First and Princeton United congregations.

Rev. Andrew Black was also introduced following his ordination and installation as pastor of Unity Church in Terre Haute.

Academy Committee  the committee offered two important reminders.

The Committee reminded the Assembly that POV Academy classes are for everyone in our churches and that many people participate in the Academy just for the joy of learning and/or to discover ways they might become better informed to serve their own churches more effectively.

The Assembly was reminded that anyone interested in enrolling in the Academy in order to explore a possible call as a Commissioned Ruling Elder must start classes by the March 2016 class on “Tools for Scriptural Interpretation.”  The deadline to register for this class is January 10, 2016.

1001 New Worshiping Communities

Ruling Elder Vera White from the General Assembly office made a major presentation on the 1001 initiative.  There are supports and opportunities

for starting a new worshipping community in our presbytery.  Learn more on this from the Evangelism and Congregational Witness Committee.

Committee on Ministry reported a change in the minimum standards of compensation as follows:

  1. That there be an increase in the required minimum continuing education allowance from $800 annually to $1200 annually.

(Note: We are not recommending a required change in the minimum compensation standards for salary and housing for 2016. Minimum compensation for teaching elders working full-time would continue to be $44,856 if there is no manse, or $34,505 if there is a manse. Minimum compensation for ruling elders commission to pastoral service working full-time would continue to be $33,643 if there is no manse, and $25,878 if there is a manse.)

(Note that there will be not be an increase in Board Of Pension dues for 2016. Required dues for Teaching Elders in a full time installed position is still 35%. We also encourage a church to pay the additional 11/2% dependant coverage, if the pastor needs it.)

Larry Jackman, Stated Clerk