The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

What Happened at Assembly on March 25, 2017

What Happened at Assembly on March 25th?

The Presbytery enjoyed the hospitality of the Mitchell Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, Indiana

Installation of Vice Moderator and Stated Clerk

The Moderator installed David Crittenden as Stated Clerk and Barbara Ferguson as Vice-Moderator of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley.

Examination of Je Myoung Lee

After preaching for the Presbytery Je Myoung Lee, a candidate under care of the Presbytery of Chicago, was examined by the Presbytery and approved for ordination to the ministry of Teaching Elder.  Je has been called to served the congregations of the Mitchell Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church, Bedford, as pastor of the Lawrence County Parish.

Proposed Amendments from the 222nd General Assembly

The Commissioners approved all sixteen amendments to the Book of Order proposed by the 222nd General Assembly. (Ballot tallies are shown below.)

Congregational Mission and Vitality Committee Grants Approved by Presbytery Council

The Council report noted two grants from the Monroe City Funds one in the amount of $3,400 to the Scipio Presbyterian Church for an outdoor worship, spirituality and fellowship area and the other in the amount of $4,000 to the Community Presbyterian Church in Charlestown, Indiana, for funding for a Bundle of Joy Basket Program as part of the congregation’s D.I.A.P.E.R. ministry.

No.Amendment TitleYesNoBlank
16-AChild & Youth Protection Policy
On Amending G-3.0106
16-BParity in Committees
On Amending G-3.0109
16-C1Ministers of the Word and Sacrament
On Amending F-3.0202
16-C2Ministers of the Word and Sacrament
On Amending G-2.0102
16-C3Ministers of the Word and Sacrament
On Amending G-2.0301
16-C4Ministers of the Word and Sacrament
On Amending G-2.05 and G-2.0501
16-C5Ministers of the Word and Sacrament
On Amending G-2.0701
16-C6Ministers of the Word and Sacrament and Commissioned Pastors
On Amending G-3.0307
16-C7Minister of the Word and Sacrament and
Commissioned Pastor
On Amending the Directory for Worship and
the Rules of Discipline
16-C8Minister of the Word and Sacrament
On Amending W-4.4001a.
16-D1Relationship to the PC(USA) of a Person Who Has
Renounced Jurisdiction of the Church
On Amending G-2.0509
16-D2Relationship to the PC(USA) of a Person Who Has
Renounced Jurisdiction of the Church
On Amending D-10.0401
16-ECertified Service Requirements
On Amending G-2.1101
16-FThe Ministry of Members
On Amending G-1.0304
16-GAccess to the Lord’s Table
On Amending W-2.4011a. and b.
16-HDirectory for Worship
On Replacing the Current Directory for Worship