The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

What Happened at Assembly on December 3, 2015

Presbytery had its year-end meeting.  As is normal, the meeting was an afternoon meeting only in Mitchell.  The congregation at Mitchell hosted.

It was the final meeting for our Moderator, Eric Erickson.  Rev. Erickson preached at the opening worship time.

An Inquirer was presented to the Assembly who has become a candidate.  The preparation for ministry process has two levels of standing as potential ministers learn and move along in the process.  Each level takes a year to complete at a minimum.  Tamara Recob is now a candidate for ministry from the Newburgh Church.  She has completed her seminary training and will spend the next year in a chaplain training program in Evansville.  Tamara is like most candidates for ministry these days.  She has been in another career for some years and has felt the call to ministry in the midst of life.

The Corporation of the Presbytery of Ohio Valley, Inc. met.  The presbytery is both a church body and a formal corporation under Indiana law.  We formally turn into a company for a few minutes in order to meet legal rules for a company.

Elections were part of the meeting.    The December meeting is the time when we receive the report of the Nominations Committee and elect officers. Ruling Elder Zack Ellison is our Moderator for 2016.  He is from Columbus First Presbyterian Church.  Our Vice Moderator is going to be Rev, Deborah Fortel.

Service Recognition for outgoing officers was shared.

Larry Jackman
Stated Clerk, Presbytery of Ohio