The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

What Happened At Assembly 12/2/14

December 2, 2014

A Short Day at Mitchell—As is our norm, we met at Mitchell for our year-end meeting.  The half day meeting began at 1:00.

Worship—Our opening worship was led by our retiring moderator Elder Judy Holy and Susan McGhee.  Communion was celebrated to mark the close of the meeting.

New Leaders—The assembly greeted our new Synod Executive the Rev. Sara Dingman.  Sara offered her personal greetings to the presbytery.  Also, we met and had opportunity to hear greetings from the new Director of Pyoca.  Rev. Jake Hofmeister has recently taken office.

Meeting of the Corporation—Each year the Presbytery meets as a corporation of the State of Indiana.  It is this corporation that conducts civil business.  As a company, we elected Lant Davis as our President, Rob Peters as Vice-President and Jean Brown as Treasurer.

The Stated Clerk Reported—Larry reminded all moderators and clerks of session to get their annual reporting done early.  Support for that process can be through the Clerk or through Stephanie Worden at the office.

Larry also reminded the Assembly that we will be voting on Amendments to the Book of Order at our March meeting.

Per Capita and Budget Actions – A budget was presented and adopted.  Good conversation and discussion of that budget accompanied the adoption.  The total rate of the per capita will not change.  $29.33 remains the total of per capita.

Honorable Retirements – Rev. Jay Hudson was recognized as he retires and leaves behind the post of President of Presbyterian Investment Loan, Inc.  Jay joined Rev Dave Crittenden as Dave also retires from being the Interim Synod Executive of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies.

Both Jay and Dave have been invaluable resources to the churches of our presbytery.

Election of New Officers and Committee/Commission Members – The nominating committee reported a slate of candidates for the Presbytery.  Nominations for membership of the nominating committee itself were presented by the Council. Along with many others Rev. Eric Erickson was elected as Moderator of Presbytery for 2015 and Elder Zack Ellison as Vice Moderator.  Officers were installed and the retiring Moderator, Judy Holy was honored for her service as Moderator for 2014.

Lawrence Jackman, Stated Clerk