The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Transitional Ministry Education for 2016

The Synods of Lincoln Trails and Mid-America (MALT) have joined together to provide interim training every spring and fall to pastors nationwide. Transitional Ministry Education is intended for those presently engaged in interim ministry and those inquiring about this ministry. Committee on Ministry members and presbytery staff persons with responsibility for congregations in transition will also find the training helpful.

Scheduled transitional ministry education:
October 31 – November 4, 2016 in Saint Louis, MO

Registration to go “live” in mid July for October/November event.


We live in a time of great transition in our churches and culture. Transitional Ministry Education is intended for those presently engaged in or inquiring about the nature of transitional ministry. This includes Temporary Transitional Ministry positions; which may include interim ministry, designated ministry, other temporary ministry or Installed Transitional Ministry which includes all other parish ministry positions. Committee on Ministry members and presbytery staff persons with responsibility for congregations in this time of transition will also find the education helpful.

Basic Transitional Ministry Education consists of 60 contact hours plus a practicum. The contact hours are divided equally between two residency weeks: Week I (30 hours) and Week II (30 hours), separated by a practicum which combines reflection on, and experience in, some aspect of interim/transitional ministry.

MALT offers education for both Weeks I & II. Participants must complete both Residency Week I and all practicum assignments before taking part in Residency Week II. Those who complete the first week of basic education at another site must complete all MALT practicum assignments prior to attending Residency Week II.

We offer a full thirty (30) hours of education for each week. If you desire to receive a Statement of Completion for this event, you must actively participate in all sessions in their entirety (30 contact hours).

Early registration will ensure participants ample time to complete reading assignments prior to the start of each residency week.

Click here to go to the Synod of Lincoln Trails website for more information.