The Presbytery of Ohio Valley News and Announcements

Taize Gathering: On Simplicity and Solidarity

How can we live the Gospel in our daily lives? How can we be in solidarity with those on the margins? How can we persevere in prayer?

Join together with others in the Bloomington community for many opportunities for reflection and conversation. Brother Emile, a Roman Catholic of the ecumenical monastic community of Taizé in France, will be our keynote and facilitator.

The Taizé Community consists of about 100 brothers from nearly 25 countries. Together, as Protestants and Catholics, they welcome hundreds of thousands of young adults from around the world to their monastery in southern France, where they pray together, share daily life, and seek for ways of peace and solidarity grounded in the gospel. The brothers also facilitate the “Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth,” visiting young adults around the world to support the work of trust and reconciliation. Brother Emile will talk about the next Pilgrimage of Trust in May 2017 in St. Louis.

Monday, October 17: Prayer Service and Keynote by Brother Emile @ First Christian Church @ 730 PM (205 E Kirkwood Ave) – For College Students and Young Adults 

Tuesday, October 18: Prayer Service and Q&A by Brother Emile @ First Presbyterian Church @ 730 PM (221 E 6th Street) – Open to All

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